Chapter 25 - Your not Mad?

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"So your telling me that their expelled!" Nash and cameron yelled into the phone which was on speaker "yes mr Dallas and mr Grier, hayes and caitlin were expelled" cameron and nash looked at us and smiles "well that's great!".

"You guys were expelled! That great we can go on the Australian tour now!" Cameron and Nash scream at the top of there lungs.

Me and hayes exchanged weird looks "wait, your not mad at us?" Hayes said confusion running though his voice. Cameron nodded "oh we're mad but for now this is a good thing" Nash just nodded.

"Go pack you bags kidos! We're going to Australia!" Nash said running to his rooms and cameron following his actions shortly after. "Well hayes, we're going to Australia!" I screamed and me and hayes ran into the room we shared and grabbed our suitcases out.

After 2 hours we had packed, 2 hours may seem like a long time but for 6 months you kinda need a lot of stuff. I fell back on my bed and soon the ceiling became darker and darker and I feel into a deep sleep.

My alarm boomed though my ears, the tone of Calvin Harris summer boomed though my ear louder then normal and my eyes shot open. I saw hayes smirked standing next to my alarm "This goes pretty loud hah?" He then ran out of the room and I jumped up only where a bra, singlet and undies and ran over him "caitlin put clothes on!" I heard cameron scream from his bedroom door.

I ignored him and jumped on hayes back and he flipped me backing me land on the floor and he feel on top of me. He looked into my eyes and leant down, I quickly rolled away and stood up. "I shall not fall in love with the person who broke my heart! No way" I walked back to me and Hayes room and slammed the door locking it shut and running into the bathroom.

( This may be a little bit triggering, please skip this part if you cut or want to)

I saw something I hadn't seen in 3 years. The blade, the thing that help me though everyone and the thing that made me want to cry.

I picked it up and sat against the wall staring then it all came back every memory and the one that started it all.

"It was 20011 It was my 10th birthday, me and my friends were all running around cameron was with his best friend who was at the time was the girl the bullied me. I built up the confidence to tell him about what she did to me and he started yelling and hitting me. My own brother! He stuck up for his best friend! And I ran to my room and cut.... That was the first and last time I had done it and nobody knows at all"

I then realised I had said that out loud and everyone was standing at the bathroom door and cameron was crying and I knew exactly why but we where putting that behind us and it was time to go to Australia!!


Bam!! I updated!!

I have such bad writers block and I was surprised I updated.

I was thinking of deleting this chapter but then you wouldn't know Some of Caitlin's back story

I think this is a really bad chapter but I promise that the chapters to come will be really good




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