36- The talk......

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Kian and I were still hanging out and we decided to go to the movies to see Insurgent and Fast and the furious 7 (comment below if you have watched these and what you think of them)

Soon after I realised how late it was and checked my phone.... I already had 17 missed messages from Nash, Hayes and cameron. I sighed and told kian I needed to get home.

As I walked home it became pitch black and I couldn't see much, my phone had died so I was walking blinded and then I saw Camerons, Nash, Hayes and I's house and walked inside.

Everything was silent i Heard foot steps and the lights turned back on and everyone was sitting on the couch staring at me shaking there heads except hayes he came and stood next to me.

"Umm....Cameron? Nash? Are you okay" Hayes took hold of my hand "Are we okay?! what about you?! you think its Bloody okay to just walk out of the house?! Ignore all our freacking Calls! Who do you think you are to act like such a brat!! and then you go behind my back and go hang out with kian!!!!!! Cameron screamed at me, This wasnt the cameron i know now, this is like the cameron from 2011 and 2012.

*Flash back*

I was invited to a party today and i was wearing a short black dress thaat showed off a little bit but not much, i was wearing makeup for the first time and i was only 12, i had no idea what kind of party it was but apparently there was green stuff and bottles of vodka everywhere, my friend was 15 so she was alot older then me and it wasent the frist time she had been to one of these this

"Caitlin!!!! wtf do you think your doing?! sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night looking like that?! what are you a stripper!?! go get to bed you dumass! and your slut friend Take her out of our house now. hurry up before mom wakes up!" Cameronn yelled at me as i walked down the stairs

*end of flashback*

Cameron stood their waiting for me to say something as i open my mouth to say something he said something that made my world come crashing down.

"I hate! Hate! being you brother!" Cameron ended, Hayes and nash both looked at me with sorrow and hayes took me upstairs and i saw two suitcases 1 of mine and 1 of hayes "Me and you are going on a little trip....." Hayes said and wheeled the suitcase out of the house and I collapsed on the hard concrete paving.
So guys......

This chapter was interesting 😬 poor caitlin.... I wonder what trip her and hayes are going on

There is a very very important announcement happing after this chapter.......

I hope you enjoyed this chapter ❤️

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