33- Adventures

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I don't know if this is very good cause I write all of this at 3am so if it's bad I'm sorry

It has been 25 minutes and already everyone has stopped walking and is complaining, I could see the beach and small beach house from where we were "Guys come on it's so close, all we have to do is get down this mountain walk across the field, swim though or walk around the lake get across the free way and then walk though the Main Street and down the 400 steps to the beach, No biggy."

They all looked at me like I was crazy but they got up and dragged them self down the mountain which took them 20 minutes. I told them it would be quick we ran across the field on long grass and wild cattle and got to the lack, all the water bottles were not empty so I grabbed one of the bottle and threw it in and it was pulled down by leaches.

"We have to go around the lake. it's not safe to swim in" I grabbed my backpack and threw it into my back and kept walking and noticed the boys walking though the lake. Oh good god. "Boys really come on?! If you die there nothing I can do about it"

The boys laughed "Caitlin. These are not leaches there just little fish" i hesitantly got into the water and swam across picking the dirt off my bathers after I got out.

"Well we're at the free way so I guess we just follow this to the main town and we will reach the steps." I honestly had no idea where I was going but hopefully they didn't know that. "What do you mean you guess? You have directions right?" The boys started freaking out and i rolled my eyes.

"Boys it's an adventure, adventurers don't use maps, they use there brains, they figure out the logical way to get to a certain place. So that's what we're doing to get to where we want to go." I smiled and started walking down the side of the free way, thousands of cars zoomed past and I soon saw a street sign for where we need to go.

I turned and walked down that street
"Caitlin can't I just get my dads limo to pick us up?" Ashton complained and hayes and Luke groaned in agreement. "No come on it's not that long away."

We soon arrived at the beach and a lot of people where there I put my sunglasses on Incase anyone noticed me and hayes did the same, soon enough we where a teddy bear for a young girl. She grabbed us and hugged up both tightly and didn't let go.


Hope you like this chapter.

Ilysm ❤️

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