Chapter 23 - School status!

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Thank you thank you thank you!!

We Got off the plane at la and I grabbed my suit case and Nash, hayes and cameron all copied my actions and grabbed theirs.

I walked though the electric doors of the airport exit and a gush on heat hit all of us "okay guys welcome to la! And caitlin, hayes you will be going to school today!" Cameron said joyful.

I choked "s,s, school?" Tears greeted my eyes fighting to fall. "are you crying?" Hayes laughed and cameron glared at him "don't worry caitlin, Hayes will make sure those people don't hurt you anymore" cameron said and hayes and Nash both made serious sympatic looks towards me, great going cam tell the world why don't you.

"Well seeing as cameron blurted it out I guess ill have to tell you the story. Okay at school there is a group of boys named Jc, Trevor, sam and kian, they are all extremely popular and I'm there personal play toy, they bash me up and personally I'm scared to go back there, especially after getting to be a part of Magcon then being kicked out". They all just looked at me with blank expressions except for cameron "okay, don't worry I'll look after you." Hayes half smiled.

--School time--

Me and hayes walked though the gates of the school and everyone, I mean everyone turned there attention to us and started screaming "omg! It's hayes and caitlin!!!" And they all ran up to us and started hugging us and throwing things at us to sign "wow!" I smiled at hayes and we kept walking.

"Hey caitlin! Wait up!" The all familiar voice of Kian came from behind me "great." I murmured under my breath and turned around "Kian!" I put on a large fake smile. "Come sit with me and the guys today, pretty please and your friend can come along as well". Kian begged me.

"Wow you find out that my brother is famous and now all of a sudden you want me to sit with you, in your dreams kian." And with that said I walked off to class happy that I stood up for my self.

We were nearing lunch and I was extremely bored, my eyes were fixed on the clock that hung above the board. I started clicking my pen against the desk day dreaming until the teacher slammed his hand on the table making me jump.

"Mrs dallas! Is the fame getting to you head as well as you friend?" He said looking over at hayes who was asleep on the desk "No mr marters, I'm just sick and tired of your class" I said with a smirk and stood up and slapped hayes on the head and he stood up abruptly and the loud siren on the lunch bell burst though the speakers.

Hayes and I walked to our lunch table and it was full within 30 seconds. One of the nerdy kids who work on the news paper threw the newspaper at us and me and hayes we're on the front cover.

"Newest most popular kids of the school" a smile spread across my face as the title bulged out at us, this was my dream to be popular could it really be coming true.

After 4th period the end of home bell rang and me and Hayes walked out way home and when we opened the door we were greeted by two angry looking faces.

"Caitlin! Hayes! Why do you two both have detentions and a warning next to ur names!?!!" Nash and cameron yelled at the same time. Me and Hayes looked at each other confused "what do you mean detentions and warnings? We didn't do anything wrong" Me and Hayes lied.

"Well mr marters has something to say to that, hayes sleeping in class and walking out before the bell!" Nash said "and caitlin! Not paying attention in school? Talking back? What is wrong with you?. Your both grounded! Go to your room!"

Me and Hayes walked to our room and sat down on our beds, did I forget to tell you we have to share a room?. We just sat there until we both had fallen asleep.


Hmm caitlin has some sass on her ?

Who knows how much trouble that will get her in

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