Chapter 12- i want you back!

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I know that it might not be much to some people but it means a lot to me ❤️ thank you so much


Cameron's pov.

I heard Nash scream my name as he crouch down next to a figure on the road "cameron Caitlin's hurt !" I ran over to her and started crying at the state she was in and I picked her up and my tears dropped on her delicate skin she twitched her nose which must have been a sigh so we knew she was alive and I ran to the car. I searched up the nearest hospital and drove her strait there. They took her into the room and told me to sit in the waiting room so I did as I was told cause I was to tired to argue and I sat in the seat of the waiting room praying caitlin would be ok

Nash's pov.

As soon as I got the person who hit Caitlin details I called the boys the last one I called was hayes "hello?" He said though the phone "hayes! You there?"

"Umm duh" hayes said and I could tell he was rolling his eyes "caitlin was hit by a car and me and cam are going to the hospital, tell the guys and. Get them to come to the hospital as soon as they can Cameron's a mess" he sighed though the phone "ok" he hanged up

-Hayes pov-

My heart shatter as I heard the Nash's word all I could say was ok and I hanged up and I trowed my phone at the wall before I started crying and ran down stairs and screamed "Caitlin's in hospital, get me there now!!!!!!!!!" Everyone jumped up not saying a word and drove to Caitlin's hospital and we walked into the lobby and saw Nash and cameron

I didn't know what to think I was sad and mad and wanted to be the one there instead of caitlin but I guess all we could do was wait and I sat on the couch next to cameron and hugged him And felt the tears from his eyes drop onto me.

-Cameron's pov-

I saw everyone walk into the room though my blurred vision and I wiped some of the tears off my eyes. I saw everyone's faces and they all looked like they where going to cry but they where trying to stay strong for me. Hayes came over and sat next to me and hugged me and he was crying harder then I was which made me chuckle a bit. and I hugged him back and tears escaped my eyes.

"Caitlin rose dallas ?, anyone here for caitlin rose dallas?" I stood up strait away and walked over and the news gave joy to my day "she is awake and is allowed visitors" I told the guys and I walked in there slowly while the other guys waited there turn.

-Caitlin's pov-

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around at the pale white walls and saw cameron standing in the entrance "caitlin! Thank god your ok!" Cameron screamed and hugged me I saw hayes in the corner of my eye and he was crying still, he must not know I'm awake. "Cameron as much as I love you can I talk to hayes for a second" at first cameron looked worried and then he nodded and walked out and I heard the foot steps of someone walk into my room. "Caitlin?!" I looked up and saw hayes, his eyes were extremely red.

He sat down on the end of the bed "I'm sorry caitlin, I never should have said yes to that dare, I just miss you so much and when you walked into the room and saw us kissing my heart disappeared and it broke into a million pieces, cause your the girl I love caitlin, your smile is gorgeous when you smile you make me go crazy, your personality is the best in the world I wouldn't ever change it, and yes your looks are amazing but that's just a plus, I'm so in love with you caitlin, and I want you back!" Hayes said this whilst looking directly into my eyes.

"Hayes" a tear ran down my face I hugged him "thank you!, Your forgiven but it will take a little to fully gain my trust again, but I guess you can get a second chance "thank you caitlin!! Thank you so much!" I saw Nash at the door and looked over at him before telling him to come inside and he sat next to hayes and hayes got up and walked a lot.

"How you felling?" He said searching for any sign of worry of my face "who, who are you?" I asked "I'm nash! Hayes brother! I treat you like a sister!" I searched his face "no! No! I don't know you!!! Help me!!! Cameron!!! Hayes!!" They both came running in as I said it "she doesn't remember me" nash said crying and cameron and hayes both searched my face and I started bursting out laughing "hey nash, I'm fine" he looked at me mad but also funny "you little shit" he said messing my hair up.

I lifted my arms up and then I felt a sharp pain in my arm and I looked down and saw a cast "I broke my arm! What about... Urg!" Cameron went out of the room quickly and came back in and started un plugging the needles that were in my arm "ouch cameron!" He japed me with the needle whilst taking it out and smiled "where going home now, so we have to leave right now" I nodded and stood my and fell "/what the hell?!, why the hell can't I walk?!" Nash poked my leg and I felt tingling "your legs are asleep retard"

I got up and went out to the car and everyone hugged me and it felt like a family reunion I sat next to Carter and fell asleep on his lap.

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