Chapter 17- clothing line!

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The photo is of Caitlin's clothing line 💕
2.83k 😘 thank you 💕
Today was the day Cameron and I were meeting with aero to fully bring out our clothing line. I was extremely excited and I couldn't wait for the time to pass.
We were meeting them at there office around 2:30pm and it was only 12:00. I walked around the kitchen which was in the very middle of the hotel room and looked for food throughout the cupboard and grabbed out coco pops.

I heard a few foot steps and saw hayes walk out of his room and I smiled "hey hayes" he smiled and went to the cupboard and kissed my cheek "hey caity" he went to the table with the coco pops and milk and two bowls and handed me one after he poured it.
Cameron walked out of his room with his eyes half and grabbed a spoon and sat next to me and started eating my breakfast "yeah sure you can have some cameron thanks for asking" I said rolling my eyes and eating some.

"We're going to aero now hurry up" Cameron said in a tired tone.
I jumped up and me and cameron walked out of the door and to the car and he got in the drivers side and I got in the passenger side while Nash and hayes sat in the back and my phone vibrated and it was hayes and I looked at him and back at my phone

H- hayes c- caitlin
H- hey babes. You excited?
C- duh of course I am.
C-Why can't you just talk to me normally
H- cause I want to message you ✌️😜 anyway nash keeps looking over talk to you later babes love you 😘
C- ok babes 😘

"Hayes and caitlin are dating again!!!" Nash screamed and cameron stopped the car in its tracks and his first clenched together "why didn't you tell me caitlin?" He looked at me with icy eyes piercing though my face " I just didn't" various people where beeping there horns at us and cameron turned to the road and kept driving and we then got to aero.

"Oh you must be the dallas's and the griers right this way" we walked though tight corridors and cameron threw me on his back and I laughed.
We walked out and saw about 500 girls and boys wanting to buy our clothing line.

They were letting them in and I saw a girl around 9 looking at my clothes and I smiled and walked over and she saw me and smiled wide "hey sweetie do you want some of these clothes?" She nodded and wiped a tear my under her eye "I love you videos and your so so nice, but I don't have any money" I smiled "it's ok sweetie I'll pay for you" she smiled at me and grabbed one of my jumpers and asked me for it "come on let's go to the counter"

We walked to the counter and I looked at her wrist and saw scars along her wrist and I signed and payed for it and her mother thanked me and they started walking out "wait!" I said and kinda started to regret it "yeah?" She said turning her head "let's take a photo" I said pulling her away and taking a photo "hey, don't hurt your wrist again ok? Here's my number call me if you need but don't leak my number I'm trusting you" I said and she nodded and walked away.

Around 7'o clock it was time to leave and the store was clothing, I brought cameron Dallas, Nash Grier And hayes Grier jumpers and put Cameron's one and went to the car and saw Cameron smiling "aw you love me" he said and got in the car.

I felt two arms lift me up and then drop me on a soft surface and a blanket was lifted over me and I fell into a deep sleep.

I heard muffed voices though the hotel bedrooms outside my door and ignored them going back to sleep.

"BANG!" I heard the gun shot go off and woke up from my sleep in my bed "hide the body's!" A very familiar voice said, dad? "BANG!!" The gun shot kept repeating and repeating and tears streamed down my face. I heard a loud smash from outside my hotel room and cringed holding in the various screams that I was trapping in my body.

I heard a loud elevator button sound and the foot stepped stopped
I got up and looked down the hall and saw nothing, I looked around and walked into Cameron's room and screamed at the sight in front of me. I saw Cameron with a pool of blood surrounding his body and grabbed my phone out calling the ambulance and sat next to his body praying that he would be ok.

I turned and heard various laughing and saw Nash and the rest of the boys standing their laughing extremely hard and I cried more.
Oh zayuummm I hope Cameron's ok 😭😁
I left you on a cliff hanger 😁😳

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