Chapter 24 - Expelled?

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this is a really short chapter I'm so sorry

Today is the year 12 prank day and me and Hayes may not be year 12 but it's still fun to prank the teachers

Me and Hayes made a list of things to do.

1. Tp the whole school leaving no ground uncovered
2.Put pins in mrs harcers (head mistress) chair
3. Paint mr marters car

Hayes came up with the 1st and 3rd one and i Came up with the pins but I had an extremely bad feeling about this.

*Flash back*

-Nash's pov-

We where at the Magcon office and me and Hayes were board so we decided to pull a prank on cam and Bart (the owner of magcon) we grabbed red food die and poured a whole bucket full of it onto Bart, Bart got extremely made and he Kicked me and Hayes out for the prank, cameron started laughing really hard and Bart got even mader so he kicked cameron and caitlin out as well.

*end of flashback*

We started toilet papering the school and after 2 hours the whole school was covered and teachers where going mad trying to find out who had did this, Me and Hayes hid behind the table whilst the headmistress looked around which gave us a prefect opportunity to sneak into her room and put the pins into her chair.

It's now 2 o,clock and we have 1 hour to finish we walked out to mr marters car and started with the pick paint and then we heard a loud stomping noise from behind us.

We slowly around and saw the head mistress and he was shaking head head in disgrace. "You two are expelled!, never come onto this campus ever!!" She said in a booming voice "miss its the last day of school,its officially spring break so you can't expell us until next year when we come back, sorry " hayes said with as much attitude that he had and she threw our bikes at us.

"Leave!" She screamed and we both jumped running to our bike and riding home as fast as we could.

When we got home Nash and cameron were on the phone
"So your telling me they where expelled!" Nash and cameron said in Union


Well they were expelled 😬 wonder how cameron and nash are going to take that

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