Chapter 13- jelousy

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I woke up in a hotel room in the same bed as cameron, I looked around and stood up out of bed "ouch what the hell!" I heard carter say person sitting up "sorry carter, you where in the way" he laughed and grabbed my leg and later on top of me "now who is in the way hay?" I laughed "get off me you way like 200 kilos!" I'm heard a beep of the cameron go and I looked up and saw everyone watching us and cameron was in vine and hayes looked like he was about to cry "carter please get off me" I said whilst laughing which made him pin me down harder. I heard someone run out of the room and i looked up and saw no hayes at all.

A tear run down my face and carter got off me "Caitlin what's wrong?" I signed and walked out the door to find hayes. I looked around the area and then felt two arms wrap around me I turned around scared and faced a boy with blonde hair and dark grey eyes "hey baby! How about me have done fun" he said before pressing me to his body "let me go!" I said wriggling "that's it baby" I stood there and looked around for any of the guys and saw cameron "help cameron!!!" The guy started kissing over my body and Hayes was standing there watching and the next minute I felt another pair of arms around me and they pulled me away.

I heard a jaw breaking crack and I looked up and saw cameron standing over me "are you ok?" I nodded and looked at hayes who was crying "you really moved on fast! And after everything I said to you at the hospital, you go for him after you said I got a second chance!" He said crying and walked off and grabbed a random girl and started making out with her in front of everyone.

My heart sank in my chest and cameron even felt that happening and he took me out to the pool area and check my pockets then pushed me in the boys into a big group of boys and walked off. "Hey! What's your name?" One asked me, I rolled my eyes and swan over to the pool wall and felt warmth. I looked over and saw a little kid with a screwed up faced and I screamed and ran out of the pool.

I saw Cameron laughing in the middle. Before I heard screams "cameron and caitlin dallas!!!!!!" I signed before a group of girls and guys formed around us and I held on to Cameron's hand extremely tight "guys watch out where near a pool and we don't want any accidents" cameron said to everyone and walked away with a line of people following and I did the same.

We walked into the room and quickly slammed the door closed and I felt sleep take over my body, I fell on the bed and my head hit the pillow and with that I lost all sense of touch, hearing and seeing, I was asleep


Sorry for such a short chapter im sick so it was hard writing this when I'm sick but in going to write some more chapters whilst I'm sick 💕

Love you so much

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