Chapter 2- Plane ride

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Sorry if this is a bad chapter I was extremely busy this week


Caitlin's P.OV-

I awoken to the shakes of cameron and the loud buzzing of my alarm, I rolled over annoyed and hit the alarm hard making the noise stop.

"Hurry up Caity we only have 30 minutes till Nash gets here to pick us up" My heart started beating fast and I jolted up in bed and jumped out and ran to my clothes and quickly changed and brushed hair.

"Nash is picking us up! Omg" If you couldn't tell I had a small crush on Nash.

Cameron laughed "yeah and his bringing his brother ... He is your age Im pretty sure. Be ready in 20 minutes and meet down stairs"

I groaned before turning my hair curler on and curling my hair, once that was done I out on my mascara and lip balm and went over to my desk chair where my shoes were sitting.

I picked them up and quickly put them on before hearing the beep of a car outside. I ran down stairs and cameron had my bags in hand and was walking out the door. "You took longer then 20 minutes" Cameron said with a chuckle. We walked to the car and Nash smiles at me and I screamed and then stared at the ground in embarrassment they all laughed including the boy in the back who looked my age ...

Must be Nash's brother I thought to my self

"Uh. Sorry" I got in the car and sat in silence until the boy my age said "Hi I'm Hayes... Im 13 and single" he winked at me and I smirked whilst replying "I'm Caitlin, I'm 13 and your not my type" I heard Cameron and Nash laugh

Hayes gave me puppy eyes all whole way to the air port, "Nash can I sit next to Caitlin?" I heard hayes ask, I looked at Nash pleading he would say no "Sure Hayes" I glared at Nash as he smiled and walked over to cameron.

I put my bags on the conveyor belt and hurried to the plane. I sat in the chair and rolled it back so I was laying down slightly, Hayes copied me and I rolled my eyes.

I placed my laptop on my lap and sighed in annoyance noticing that I forgot my head phone, I went to turn to cameron and get his but he was already half asleep, I closed my laptop sadly and put it back in my bag.

I started getting extremely tired and it was only 12:45am. I rolled so I was facing Hayes and he smiled, I had the urge to roll over but I was to tired, I rested my head on his chest to be comfortable even though I hated it.

I felt his arm wrap around me and I was about to push it off, but them I started to like it there. I smiled to my self and felt my self drift into a deep sleep.

I woke up to hayes carrying me to the car and I felt him drop me the car. I sat up slowly and looked at him "Thank you for carrying me" I looked down to see him carrying my bags "and my bags".

I looked at Cameron and Nash and they where all talking photos with fans. I put my belt on and felt extremely tired again.

I tried to keep my eyes awake and the last thing I heard was someone say "I love you already Caitlin" I realised that it could only be Nash or hayes cause cameron had know me for ages and I fell into a deep sleep.


Wow I'm so sorry guys this is a short chapter

I really hope you like this book

I did not proof read this yet so I am highly sorry if you get confused

My next chapter is called "First Magcon" I wonder what's gonna happen!

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