Chapter 11- Horses and dinner

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In this picture I don't know if that's a horse or a donkey but if it's a donkey just pretend it's a horse

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We made our way an hour out of the city and all of our surroundings were all trees and paddocks. Cameron stopped the car at a same paddock with a big house at the front "we will only be a little, we just have to feed them" Nash said smiling and I nodded and jumped out of the car being extremely Care full where I walked.

"Just this way" Nash said as me and cameron followed I look at all the beautiful green grass in the paddocks "caitlin! Come here" I ran over to Nash and cameron and saw a dirty grey horse and Nash was holding a carrot out to me "you can feed her" I smiled and gave it to her and smiled.

"Want to go for a ride guys?" Nash said as he walked over to the two other horses and feed them

(a/n I know your not meant to feed horses before riding cause the saddle won't be on probably but yeah)

I smiled and looked down at what I'm wearing "in this?" I looked at him confused "yeah that is fine" he said whilst tacking up the horses and handle the rope of one to me "this is Skylynn my younger sisters horse, her names misty" I nodded and mounted the horse and it automatically started walking after cameron and Nash's horses.

It was 1 hour since we started riding and we were taking the horses inside. We quickly put them in the stalls and walked back to the car, I brushed off some hay off my dress "shot gun!" I yelled "no I'm in shot gun!" Nash yelled back before opening the door "I slammed it shut and jumped in and nash picked me up and threw me in the back "ouch!" I said whilst laughing "don't mess with nash caitlin" cameron said driving off to dinner.

we arrived at dinner around 7:30 and walked inside. The lights were dim and nearly black with candles on every table. Nash walked to out table and cameron and Nash both pulled out my chair and looked at each other and laughed and I sat down thanking them and they both went to their seats .

"Order what ever you would like to have" cameron said and I ordered my dinner "we will be back" nash said and walked up and went to the bathroom.

"oh your Cameron's gay sister" a girl snickered into my ear as she sat down next to me "how's you and hayes relationship going little slut?" I teared up and ran out of the restaurant.

I ran Across the road and heard screams "watch out" and I heard a loud horn and the screeching of tires of the road and the bangs of brakes and I felt A pain shot though my hip and the next thing I knew I was laying on the ground and everything was black I could just hear the faint voices saying "cameron! Caitlin's hurt!!" And I felt a tear drop on me and then I heard nothing, I felt nothing and I saw nothing

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