Chapter 5- Dare!

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Ok I know this chapter was meant to be called all alone but that will come later 😏


I heard hayes scream from outside and saw that he dropped his phone off the balcony "do you think it's smashed?, died? " I said stupidly "of course it has, oh well no point going to get it" he walked inside sadly and sat on the bed and we heard the door open all the boys came in laughing.

"Hey , let's play truth or dare" Matthew yelled as he jumped down next to me, "sure" I said my voice shaking "ok hayes truth or dare? Matthew asked smiling "dare!" Hayes basically yelled before looking over at me and regretting his choice "I dare you to..... Kiss Caitlin for more then 20 seconds"

I looked at the ground and blushed "well that's easy" I heard someone say and hayes walked over to me. I looked up and our lips collied and he felt perfect and I didn't want to move "get some hayes!" I heard nash say as cameron stood up and walked out the door slamming it extremely hard behind him.

I pulled away and stood up and followed cameron to his bedroom and saw him sitting in the corner staring at the window and he looked like his head was about to explode.

Cameron's pov-

I was so mad! as soon as hayes kissed my sister I saw they had a big connection, but something about it made me extremely mad, I stood up and walked to the door and I just slammed it as loud as I could and stormed to my room.

I sat on the corner and looked out the window to See thousands of people screaming my name , I half smiled and then my bed room door opened, I ignored it thinking it was just Nash

"Cameron why are you so mad?" I heard my sisters innocent voice say from the door "Caitlin your to young to be kissing boys! As your guardian right now I forbid you to kiss, hug any boys!" I saw her face drop in sadness and she nodded sadly and looked at the ground and she walked out of the room.

Caitlin's pov-

I walked back into the room and everyone left but hayes who I had to share a room with, I grabbed a singlet and leggings and went into the bathroom and locked the door , I quickly had a shower, dried my hair and got changed.

I walked out of the bathroom and got into my bed and turned on the television and put on sponge bob, I watched it for an hour bride I got hungry, I called room service and ordered some fruit, it soon arrived 20 minutes later and hayes and I ate whilst we watched Finding Nemo.

Soon I was extremely tired and hayes went to his own bed and I turned the TV off and set my alarm on my phone and fell asleep dreaming about the tomorrow.


Wow I feel like this chapter is sooo bad and extremely short😢

I'm so sorry 😭

Next chapter will be good I promise ❤️

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