Chapter 4- Hate

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Wow in like 1 and a half week this book already has 100 reads!!, that make me fell so happy 😊 thank you so much

I have not fully edited this so there might be some mistakes😁 but a lot of people pmed me asking to update so I am

This chapter will go strait from where it left off in chapter 3


Hayes moved closer to me and I smiled, wondering what would happen next

His eyes look at me and i stared into them, I place my head to the ground and look at the grass, I tilt my head up to his, As his lips come crashing into mine for a moment I wondered if this was the right thing to do I feel myself melting into him, Hayes Grier now had my heart, that's if he wants it and gets my brothers permission just with one kiss...But then Nash. No forget about him.

I pulled away and looked at the ground nerves growing every passing second that he didn't say something, I looked up after a minute and I saw him run around the corner.

I could feel tears coming and I ran into the room as soon as I opened the door to go into the room, I saw cameron running off stage and running over to me, before I knew it I was in Cameron's arms why this time I was crying hard, he looked really pissed off when he looked down at me "Caitlin what the hell happened?" I cried into his chest and shock my head not wanting to tell him.

"Caitlin tell me what happened?!" He demanded again, all the fans were looking at us, I sighed and opened my mouth and told "hayes kissed me and then he ran away" I looked around and a few people laughed but most keep saying "that is not ok hayes".

I looked up at cameron and his eyes were full of anger and his hand was balled up into a fist, he walked over to hayes and dragged me along with him "you kissed my bloody sister and walked away?! What the hell dude?" Hayes just looked at the ground "I'm sorry I freaked out" cameron laughed "you say that every time you kiss someone and leave you idiot, don't ever kiss or even think about kissing or having a relationship with my sister or I will kill you"

I looked at hayes with sorrow sprouting though my eyes, I walked away and sat down and logged into Twitter and had 2 million tags, the first 2 I saw where

- @hayesismyoneandonlylove what the hell was @caitlindallas thinking kissing hayes and saying he ran away and then getting cameron to yell at hayes, how pathetic, stupid bitch should just go die , she doesn't deserve to know the boys

-@camnashandhayesaremybae ok don't get me wrong I love @camerondallas but seriously why does @cailtindallas have to be his sister I mean she basically just used him today just so cameron and hayes could hate each other .

I say hayes and cameron comments on them Hayes commented on @hayesgrierismyoneandonlylove saying "just so you know I kissed her not the opposite way round and if she died I would not ever be happy

and camerom commented on the other one "she didn't use me by the way and and me and hayes alway fight and she has to be my sister cause she was born into my family and if you can't accept that then why bother being my fan."

I looked up at hayes and cameron and they smiled at me

"Caitlin dallas please come onto the stage with us" I heard carter say, I smiled and walked on the stage and sat with cameron, he wipes my tears away and hugged me close to him.

"Ok question time, who's first" carter said and all hands went up and he pointed to one of the girls, "hayes, cameron why do you both take interest in that stupid girl sitting with cameron?" I felt cameron tense up and he moved to the microphone "she is not stupid, you are!" I tired to stop him but he said it.

Tears approached in her eyes and cameron smiled at me and stood up "Guys I'm sorry but me and my sister are leaving early" I picked me up and walked off stage. "Caitlin is not stupid, she's extremely pretty and one of the nicest girls I have ever meet so goodbye" I heard hayes say into the microphone as he got up and followed me and cameron out the door.

"Thank you guys" they both smiles and we drove to the hotel. Cameron went to his room leaving me and hayes alone , "ahh" I heard hayes scream


Well I spent a long time on this chapter so I hope you really like it :)

What do you think happened to hayes? 😱

Chapter 5- All alone

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