Chapter 21- New Girls!

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Today was the day! The day I meet all of the girlfriends Cameron's, Carters, Nash's, Harry's and hayes. I wasn't looking forward to meeting hayes girlfriend but I have to be optimistic and plus I have moved on from him already.

I walked downstairs and was immediately greeted by 4 girls they where really pretty they all told me there names and i remember them from meet and greets.

Hayes girlfriend was Mandy she had straight brown hair, she was 14 and she loved soccer with a passion.

Carters girlfriend was Alanna she had ombré hair which was really cool she was 16 and she also loves shopping so I'm sure we will get along.

Then there was Cameron's girlfriend which I approved of from what I learnt today, her name was Nayomie she had black curly hair, she loves dancing, cheerleading, vollyball and soft ball and she was 18, she was perfect for cameron.

Then last but not least there was nash girl, she had ombré hair like carters girlfriend but a little darker she was 15 so 1 year younger then nash and she likes cheer and volley ball modelling.

The whole time I was downstairs Mandy gave me death stares. If looks could kill I would be 6 feet under. I don't know what her problem was but I let it slip by.

"I'll be in the kitchen" I said getting up and walking to the kitchen to get a drink and hayes stormed in and threw me on the wall "are you kidding me caitlin?!" I looked at him confused "You messaged my girlfriend telling her she should leave the world ?! And now you giving her death stares! Your a real bitch Caitlin, I don't even know why your still living! No body wants you here!" I felt a large pain in my chest as my stomach dropped on the floor and my head started pounding and I felt tears stream down my face He actually believe I would do something like that!.

I ran into the lounge room where everyone was and looked at everyone. Cameron patted his lap "tell me what happened" I sat in his lap and told him everything. "Let's go to the park, we can have sibling day if you want to" Cameron smiled "yeah sure" I replied and grabbed my jacket.

We all walked to the park except for Hayes and Mandy, They walked to the ice cream shop and as we walked around I noticed Matthew wasn't walking with us. I pulled out my phone to message him when an unknown number messaged me

They sent a photo of Matthew about to kiss Some brown haired girl on the couch on and wrote *next time watch your boy toy. Cause others he becomes mine* Lexi?! I thought she was gone! Oh no, please not Lexi again.

A tear fell down my eye as the thought of Lexi Came into my mind, she ruined hayes and my relationship and now she is going to ruin me and matts I just rolled back my eyes to stop the tears from falling and ran to the swing to free my mind.


So this was a pretty short chapter sorry but I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer so here is the chapter

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