Chapter 14- meet and greet and beach time

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I love you so much


I sat up from my position on the bed and squinted my eyes. I looked around and no one was in the room. I heard laughs coming from the hall way and I walked out and flour was throw at me "your going to get into so much trouble for doing this!" I yelled at them all and they laughed walking into the room.

"We have a meet and greet at Starbucks today, alot of people want to meet you" cameron said looking at me "me? Why

Me?" He laughed "cause your in magcon and your Cameron's sister and your hot" carter said and cameron glared intensively at him before turning back to me "your coming and it starts in 18.2 minutes so go get ready" he said whilst laughing at him self for falling of the chair.

I walked into me, lexi and hayes room and saw hayes on the bed. He looked at me with saddened eyes as I ignored all his words. I grabbed out a cameron Dallas jumper and high waisted denim jeans. "Caitlin stop ignoring me please, you said at the hospital that you would give me a second chance but your just ignoring me!" I turned around "hayes I was on happy or sleeping drugs and I didn't have a clue what I was saying! I'm never ever going to forgive you" I walked out the door and ran into carter knocking me off my feet but before I dropped on the ground he grabbed me "Caitlin Dallas, I think I'm in love with you" and with that carter kissed me.

He pulled away and walked off embarrassed and walked to the boys room and they all piled out. Cameron grabbed my hand and we walked down to Starbucks and saw a big group of people standing out side. "wow" I said quietly so only I could hear it.

"Cameron!! Caitlin!!! Nash!! Carter!! Hayes!! Brent!! Are here!!!" All the girls screamed and I giggled and walked with cameron though the doors of Starbucks "ok 6 at a time" the Starbucks manager called.

6 girls came rushing in one sat at each table and one was crying when she walked over to me "hey, hey you ok?" I asked as she wiped her eyes "yeah, it's just that your my idol and I look up to you and your the reason I stopped cutting and I love you so much, you always manage to put a smile on my face, and it's been a dream to meet you and now I have" I hugged here and got a piece of paper and wrote my number on it "if you ever need me, I'm just a call away" I hugged her one more time and took a photo and then another group of girls came in and it was all the same. I'm some girls idol and I stopped them cutting and it's been a dream to meet you.

After 3 hours the meet up was over and we grabbed a drink then we got in the car to go back to our hotel. I got on Instagram and uploaded a photo of me and that girl and she gave me her Instagram so I tagged her. I captioned the picture with *got to meet so many amazing people a Starbucks today including @mollycarndelts 💕 hope to stay in touch.

I instantly got 4 thousand likes and my phone kept lighting up with notifications. I messaged Molly

M- Molly c-caitlin

C: hey 😊

M: omg you actually messaged me 💕😍

C: haha yeah I did ⚡️❤️ want to come to the beach with me and the others?

M: yeah! That would be amazing! Thank you so much

C: ok I'll pick you up then

M: ok my address is 45 rainbow street in cally centre.

C: see you soon 😊😘

"Cameron we are going to 45 rainbow street in cally centre to pick up a friend and then we can go to the beach" he nodded and drove there and we picked her up.

"Hello!" She said and got in the car "hey" I smiled and looked out the window "she gets car sick so she doesn't really talk in the car" cameron quickly said and I saw Molly nod. "This is seriously a dream come true to be friends with caitlin and be hanging out with you all" I smiled "well your very nice" Cameron said and we got out of the car and walked onto the beach.

Me and Molly set our towels down and I grabbed out my phone and out music on. I heard Molly scream and saw Matt lifting her up and running to the water and then I felt arms lift me up and looked and saw cameron "no! Cameron put me down please!!!" well he differently put me down right into the freezing cold water.

I stood in the water and glared at cameron and then I felt a gooey substance touch my foot. I screamed and ran out of the water and ran to the car. Everyone followed me with there stuff and got into the car. Cameron turned the key and it wouldn't start, everyone pilled out of the car after various attempts of starting it and we walked home.

I looked at the time and it was already 10:30pm so Molly stayed over the night and we went into my room upstairs and got into bed. I layer my head on the pillow and felt someone kiss my fore head. I opened my eyes and saw cameron "goodnight caity, love you" I smiled "love you too" I rolled over and went to sleep.


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Carter and caitlin hmm??

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