59 | Spirit in the Force

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With the saber held tight in hand, she maneuvered her feet forward gracefully as the green blades swirled over her head. The forest colors blurred together with the movement, but halted abruptly when they collided heavily with Maul's deep red blades. Her emerald eyes burned into his yellow. He was caught off guard by her strength that bared down on him. His grip pushed back against her.

Compared to Obi-wan's weakened state, she was a fire, fueled by a shadow that loomed in her eyes. The flames spread from her footsteps and stung the skin of those who found themselves standing too close. Her ferocity seemed prepared to kill right then and there, a stranger to mercy is would seem. The unwavering determination on her stoic face radiated revenge.

This must have been what he sensed near the escape pod, a foreign yet familiar feeling that lingered like a looming spirit in the force.

A moment later, her attack shifted and she pivoted, aiming for his exposed torso. He blocked and pushed her away, but it hardly fazed her defense. Step by step, her footwork synced with his in an odd trance. Both sides exhibited rage but were a perfect match upon battle.

Ventress, who was above in the rafters, managed to get a solid kick at Savage Oppress's face which sent him tumbling to the ground in a daze. He squeezed his eyes shut to calm his swirling mind. While he was down, Ventress whipped around, widening her eyes at the sight of the hooded Jedi who had promised earlier to remain out of battle "I should've known better" she muttered under her breath "not one for following orders, hm?"

Dakota twirled her saber at her back as she circled the sith, anticipating his next move "the young Jedi from Naboo" he recalled, readying his stance in the dust of the dim space "the one who barely
managed to hold her own against me"

"At least I left an impression" she shrugged her arms out, simultaneously demonstrating that she was unafraid of his taunting.

"I was certainly not impressed" he said coldly.

"Allow me to fix that" she extended her arm to utilize the force. Her strength sent him flying back towards a stack of supply crates. He growled and pushed the boxes away from him, then clambered back to his metallic feet.

Dakota stood silently, ready for whatever he had left to throw at her. It was the type of silence that could shatter glass. His chest rose and fell deeply as he took large, clanking steps towards her. He swatted a stray supply crate out from his path "you should've stayed dead, Maul, the galaxy didn't miss you" she pointed her saber directly at him.

"Yes, but the galaxy seems to have fallen into utter chaos at my absence" he reminded, swiping his blade against hers. She pushed against his weight to meet his glare "coincidence?" he raised the question "Perhaps, the rising of a new power?"

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