46 | Torn Apart

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The Umbaran clouds parted just enough for her to see up through to the dark sky. Bright stars dotted the purple cosmos, bringing her the slightest sense of peace despite the unfortunate circumstance. A single shooting star appeared in her sights just before it vanished just as quick out of view. She wasn't sure how long she had been laying there, maybe a few minutes or maybe an hour. The world around her seemed timeless as the pain medication spread throughout her soar body.

She hadn't fought that hard one on one in a long time. Her ferocity was rather frightening, but Krell was prepared to kill every single one of them. There was no way that she could let that happen.

An armored blurry figure appeared at her side, and she slowly tore her gaze away from the stars to see him. It took her a moment to acknowledge who it was "Kix, go help Jesse, we've captured General Krell" Rex informed, removing the helmet from his head that was drenched in sweat. She blinked slowly, hearing what he had said but was unresponsive.

"Yes sir" Kix nodded, getting up from where he was kneeling beside Dakota "I've done all I can for now" he said before disappearing across the base. Krell's limp body was being taken to the cells of the prison.

Rex bent down next to the Jedi, and she lifted her hand up to signal that she wanted to sit up "How hurt are you?" he asked worriedly, slipping his arms around her for support.

She gripped his shoulder as he pulled her up to a sitting position. He held her securely to help her stay upright "I... probably won't feel most of the pain until tomorrow" she squeezed her eyes shut as her head began to spin.

"Well, at least you'll be able to see tomorrow" Rex offered lightly, noticing the gash above her green eye. This wasn't the first time she'd been hurt protecting others. It always made him feel immensely guilty, knowing that he didn't have the strength to protect her like she protects them.

"Always looking at things on the bright side" she sighed, opening her eyes back up to see him. He seemed fine. There were no obvious wounds or injuries from the battle. That was a relief to her "You're okay?" she asked, gripping his arm.

"I'm fine" he nodded.

"How many more men did we... lose?" she couldn't help but ask after a moment of silence between them. The clone soldiers around them were carrying lifeless bodies back towards the base. From the looks of it, many of them had lost their lives that night. Her jaw tightened at the sight of it.

Rex shook his head "Don't worry about that right now, alright? We've got him. Fives, Jesse, and Kix-" he nodded towards the airbase tower "-are taking him down to the cells"

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