10 | The Zillo Beast Strikes Back

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The Republic had their stun cannons loaded in preparation for the Zillo Beast

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The Republic had their stun cannons loaded in preparation for the Zillo Beast. They were positioned just above the sink hole. Dakota stood with Fives, Rex, and Master Mace Windu in front of one of the cannons. It was growing late into the night, and beast was more provoked now then ever. The Dugs continued to pour their poisonous acid into the crater.

"You need to stop using the acid against the beast, we have found a more humane way to deal with him" Dakota told Urus sternly, her foot tapping with impatience. The Zillo Beast wouldn't last much longer now with the poison.

Her plan was to stun the beast, and make it look like they had 'killed' him. Then, they would transport him off the planet and to a more secure, secluded location. She had already told the chancellor of her plan, which he had agreed with.

"But our way is already proven effective" Urus fired back, still angry with the Jedi for being so persistent about the Beast. He had grown annoyed with her "Our fuel is deadly to the beast. It killed them in the past. It will kill this one now"

Dakota stalked towards the Dug, her lip twitching. Master Windu shadowed behind her, prepared to stop her if she went too far "You're only going to provoke him. You'll drive him out of that hole, and then we'll have a much bigger problem on our hands"

"We'll handle it, jedi" Urus waved her off. Just then, the Zillo Beast roared louder then anything that they had heard before. Everyone covered their ears. It was too late now. She felt the ground shaking beneath her feet.

Adrenaline rushed through her, she ignited her double saber, and didn't hesitate to hold it up in the Dugs face. Her teeth grit in frustration "Order them to stop, now" her voice grew low.

"What? What do you mean, stop?" Urus asked, backing away from the green saber.

"I said, order them to stop!" she said threateningly, her fingers tightening around her saber.

"Or what? We are innocent life-forms too, are we not?" Urus challenged.

"Stop this, of I'll stop you" she hissed. Mace Windu grabbed her arm, pulling her back. That's when the Beast emerged from the crater. Urus, as well as everyone, turned to see the monumental creature show himself. Dakota backed up, her heart beating wildly. She sheathed her saber "oh no" she whispered.

"Charge up the Rays!" Anakin ordered "Fire!"
The Beast roared, piercing the ears of everyone nearby. The cannons shot their blue stun rays at the animal, keeping pace as it fumbled forward on its feet. He lifted up several vessels and smashed them together, also throwing a few of them to the side. The Dugs ran for their lives. She watched in shock as the beast stepped on and smushed the cannons that were shooting him.

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