11 | Looming Gates

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Narrator: "Desperate times on Mandalore! Having won neutrality for the Mandalorian system, Duchess Satine now finds herself an outsider with little aid to her people

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Narrator: "Desperate times on Mandalore! Having won neutrality for the Mandalorian system, Duchess Satine now finds herself an outsider with little aid to her people. Supplies are impossible to come by, except on the black market. As a result, the Duchess faces a world consumed by greed. Hoping to alleviate some of the tensions rising on the capital city of Sundari, Satine has called upon her friend Padmé Amidala to make a diplomatic visit"


Dakota entered through the sliding door, emerging into the room where Master Yoda, Windu, and Kenobi all stood waiting for her around the holographic table. She stepped down the stairs, giving a small nod to them "I was summoned, Masters?" she asked respectfully, pausing by the table. Her hands were linked together behind her back.

"Master Ky, you've been assigned to accompany Senator Amidala to Mandalore, at the request of the Duchess Satine" Mace Windu explained once she arrived, her green eyes widened slightly.

"At the request" Dakota echoed, thinking long and hard about what he had just said. Her eyebrows furrowed together "Unfortunately, Masters. I was already assigned to instruct a class of younglings on light saber technique-"

"Covered, the class is" Yoda told her softly "To Mandalore, you will go"

"Yes Master" she nodded, then quickly left the room without another word. She didn't meet any of their eyes as she walked. The three masters watched her exit.

"It's as I said, there is something clearly going on with her" Obi-Wan stated once the doors closed. He had his fingers on his chin.

Dakota paused outside the door, leaning up defeatedly against the wall. Her head laid back, resting as she stared up at the ceiling. Of all the people, of all the places. She had to go be with Satine Kryze of Mandalore. Annoyance sparked inside of her. Obi-Wan stepped out into the hallway, coming to stand with her. She immediately pushed away from the wall and continued down the hallway "You know, I find it funny how you can be the best, and the worst liar in the galaxy" he said.

"I didn't lie about anything"

"My apologies, the best and worst faker"

Her eyes narrowed "I want nothing to do with the Duchess, or her crumbling system" Dakota threw her hands up, the respectful tone she put on earlier had all but vanished.

"I thought you two were friends?" Obi-Wan thought, recalling how they spent time together during the debate. They seemed to be friends then, arguing and annoyed with each other half the time, but still friends nonetheless.

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