44 | Guilt

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The elevator doors slid open at her approaching presence, allowing for her to step inside of the small space with her hands linked together at her back.

Captain Rex caught the door before it could close and entered in after her, falling into place at her side where he typically stands. He wasn't all that sure as to what to say. There was no way to tell what she was thinking. The doors slid shut in front of them, cutting the pair off from the outside and leaving them isolated on the inside.

Her hands then fell away from their tight grip at her back and she let her fingers grasp his, developing into a tight hold on one another's hand "When I heard that Krell was put in charge.." she began, keeping her eyes on the ground "I thought that was it. I thought I'd lost you"

"You didn't" He assured, surprised by her words "you won't"

The elevator sent them rising up towards the command center "I shouldn't think that way, I know it" she soaked in the warmth of his hand, knowing that they weren't going to get much closer than this "especially considering that I'm the one who's always telling you not to worry"

"Why don't we just mutually agree to be worried about each other?" he asked lightly.

"I think we're both already ahead of the game on that one" she looked over to him warmly, but the light in her eyes dimmed once again to how they were before "I... should've been here"

"You were where you needed to be"

"Ha! Right" she rolled her eyes irritatedly, and to Rex's disappointment, she pulled her hand away to cross her arms "Where I needed to be was here, because then Umbara would've been taken the right way, and with the least casualties"

Rex bit his bottom lip "we don't know that for sure" he replied, not doubting her capabilities in any way, but having had firsthand experience with the Umbaran's made him doubt the entire operation as a whole. No matter which General was placed in charge, it was going to take a miracle to secure this dark planet under the name of the Republic.

"I would've made sure" she muttered.

"This is what we clones were made to do" Rex reminded her, and the same old rhetoric from him heated her skin.

"To die? Hm?" she placed her hands on her hips, becoming more aggravated "you know, you say we a lot. It makes me wonder when you're going to start talking to me as you instead of on behalf of the entire grand army of the Republic" he backed down at that, thinking back over their previous conversations. It was just apart of vernacular. He wanted more than anything to talk to her as himself, and pretend as if his face wasn't plastered on millions of other soldiers.

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