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A/N: I don't think that I've mentioned this yet, and this is super old news, but that Clone Wars Season 7 Trailer is continuing to blow my mind every time that I watch it

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A/N: I don't think that I've mentioned this yet, and this is super old news, but that Clone Wars Season 7 Trailer is continuing to blow my mind every time that I watch it. And the premier is two weeks away?! Holy crap! I grew up with these characters, and to see that they have come this far 🥺 I guarantee you that I WILL cry an ugly cry when Rex comes on screen for the first time in 7 years.


The reprogrammed battle droid tapped the glowing buttons on the side of her frozen block of carbonite, freeing her from the enclosed containment. Steam exploded from the outline of her figure, and she fell through, landing wobbly on her two feet. In her mind, it had only been a few seconds since being sealed in the carbon case, but in reality it's been hours. They had flown from the Jedi Temple, and across the galaxy, then finally arriving and infiltrating their destination in complete secret. The life-detecting scanners that the separatists used never suspected a thing. Their plan to rescue Master Piell was going off without a hitch thus far.

She wiped her face, squeezing her eyes together in order to calm her fuzzy mind. Whatever she ate that morning for breakfast was churning in her stomach "this was the worst idea ever" she muttered, opening her eyes in a dull manner.

"Well, it was yours" Obi-wan reminded comically, offering his hand to help steady her. The ship had landed on the fiery outskirts of the Citadel, out of sight from the droids and the security cameras. There was no indication that they had infiltrated the premises. Dakota blinked, about to tell Obi-wan something, but she noticed an extra, uninvited Jedi over her friends shoulder. She had heard Anakin tell her specifically that she wasn't attending this mission, but here she is nonetheless "I must have carbon sickness because I could swear that's Ahsoka!" Obi-wan spun around, spotting the Padawan as well with a surprised look in his eye.

Dakota peered around him and spotted the Togruta Padawan emerging from her own block of carbonite, cracking her neck as she adjusted to the new environment around her. All the green-eyed Jedi could think about in that moment was the way that she had angrily snapped at her on Sorgan, and she frowned at her own carelessness. It had been gnawing at her conscious since the second she yelled at her. Ahsoka was the last person in the universe that Dakota would want to be mad at.

"Your vision is fine, it's Ahsoka's hearing that needs help" Anakin growled in annoyance, unable to process the fact that she had snuck aboard the team despite his blatantly obvious 'no' back at the Temple. Dakota took a few steps forward to stand behind her co-General, and listened intently to him bicker back and forth with his Padawan. After a few moments, Obi-wan interrupted to bring their attention back to the present matter at hand.

"I can see Anakin's teaching method is 'do as I say, not as I do' welcome aboard" he nodded to Ahsoka warmly, who smiled awkwardly in return. The group then gathered their supplies, weapons, and gear, and started the journey to rescue Master Piell.

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