6 | The Duchess and The Jedi

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            A/n : oof I love Satine sm

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            A/n : oof I love Satine sm

"How did it go yesterday?" Obi-Wan asked casually as he walked down the steps of the Jedi Temple that next morning with Dakota trailing at his side.

She hadn't spoken much of it. Her mind seemed to be galaxies away that day "This might be the single most difficult task I've ever been assigned" She told him, crossing her arms over her chest. Her eyebrows were furrowed together.

Today was the day of the debate in the Senate. Duchess Satine would plead her case to the Chancellor and the other Senators of the Republic. Dakota would escort her to the debate and everywhere after. The noticeable rift between the Jedi and Duchess concerned Obi-Wan. He wanted to know why, but also didn't want to pry.

"Once you get to know her, she's not all that bad" he assured, hoping to encourage her. She rolled her eyes "It was the same way for me all those years ago when I was first sent to Mandalore with Master Qui Gon. She couldn't care for me at first, but soon we became friends"

"I'm not interested in making friends" was all Dakota said in response.

The pair arrived at the docking station for small ships on the east side of the temple "The Duchess actually reminds me of you in many ways" he admitted.

"Well then, maybe that's why we don't like each other" Dakota shrugged off the conversation, not wanting to dwell in it anymore. His shoulders dropped slightly at that. A small transport ship landed, prepared to pick up the green eyed Jedi "I'll see you at the debate" she told him, her voice sounding defeated.

Obi-Wan quickly outreached his hand to stop her from leaving "Dakota, ar-"

"Before you ask if I'm alright, I'm fine"

Then the doors closed swiftly and the ship was flown directly to the hotel where the Duchess had stayed for the night. Dakota sunk in her seat, watching as the buildings glided by in the pale morning sky.


"It grieves me to say it, But Death Watch is now a significant, deadly threat" The Chancellor spoke loudly in front of the entire Senate. He was at the center of the large hall, a spot light shining down on him. A light murmur of agreement from the thousands of other senators followed after his words.

Also at the center of the floor was Duchess Satine Kryze. She was having a terrible time in defending her home. All the odds seemed to be stacked against her.

"Mandalore is making great strides to find the leaders of this terrorist movement" she fired back, the platform she stood on floating towards the Chancellor "They are not powerful enough to destabilize our government. We will resolve this without conflict" she said sternly "If the Republic gets involved in our affairs, It will only lead to further violence. Thus, I shall reassert our position of neutrality"

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