8 | Bounty Hunters

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      A/N : I can hear this gif

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      A/N : I can hear this gif. ugh and sorry about the long ass chapter. I didn't realize how long it was until after writing it :/

Narrator : The death toll rises, as the battles intensify and threaten a growing number of republic worlds. Planets are left to survive on their own while the Jedi struggle to fight a war on many fronts. A series of medical stations have been established as a lifeline for those in need. But the facilities are easy prey for separatist attacks. After losing contact with the medical station orbiting Felucia, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Dakota Ky. and Ahsoka Tano are sent to investigate.


The four member group sat idly inside their transport. A dark and vast abyss of space surrounded them. Anakin Skywalker was their pilot for the trip. Ahsoka, his Padawan sat beside him and Obi-Wan along with Dakota sat in the back two seats. She sat fiddling with the necklace on her saber, only looking up when Anakin spoke.

"That's Felucia. Dead ahead" he informed.

"I suppose that the medical station is gone" Dakota examined the empty space, it wasn't exactly a question. It's clearly been blasted away by the Separatist.

Ahsoka looked through the monitors on the vessel dashboard "I don't see anything on my scanners... wait, there's something" multiple red dots were approaching. The Padawan looked up and out the window "Vulture droids" she muttered, her voice low.

Dakota tilted her head to the side, eyeing Obi-Wan who sat beside her "and you said this trip would go smoothly"

"If I was the one piloting then yes, it may have" he replied, bracing himself in the seat. Fire exploded from the back of the ship.

"Hang on!" Anakin called back, tightening his grip on the steering handles. His eyes narrowed in concentration.

A cheap shot by the vulture droids then compromised the engine of the ship that the Jedi rode in. Their bodies were thrown forward in their seats as the explosion rang out. That was certainly not a good sign. Anakin steered the vessel towards Felucia "That's not good!" Obi-Wan said the obvious.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Anakin asked over the noise just as oxygen masks fell from the ceiling of the ship. They were entering the atmosphere of the planet Felucia quicker than any of then had intended.

"Unfortunately yes" Dakota grabbed her mask "Just like pod racing, huh?" She asked Anakin, slipping the mask on over her face.

"You could say that, this may be a little more intense. Nothing that I can't handle though!"

"Sure" was all she said in response.

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