23 | The Captains Plan

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The council room doors slide open, revealing the dimly lit hallway

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The council room doors slide open, revealing the dimly lit hallway. A red tinted sun illuminated the grand space from the open balcony. She waited patiently by the doors with her hands crossed and head down, her padawan braid hung along side her green eyes. Whoever passed by her in the meantime would purposely curve around as if to avoid being too close. It was quite humorous to her, actually. She didn't look up until Obi-wan emerged from the council room with the short, blonde haired kid at his side. He gave a quick bow to his master, Qui-Gon "Obi-wan, stay with Anakin. I must speak with Master Yoda alone"

"Yes Master" Obi-wan nodded, waiting for his Master to return into the room before acknowledging his friend who leaned against the wall "Dakota, I thought you were on guard duty?" he questioned. Anakin peered around Obi-wan's arm to see the girl.

She pushed off from the wall and shrugged "I am, you better not say anything" she raised her finger while warning.

Obi-wan sighed, giving a hopeless shake of his head. Dakota then noticed the small kid standing behind him "What's that?" she pointed, placing her other hand on her hip.

Obi-wan stepped out of the way and gestured "This is Anakin Skywalker. Qui-Gon brought him here from Tatooine"

"Ah, so this is the kid I keep hearing about" she stepped forward and bent down to meet his height, resting her elbow on her knee.

The pod racing, being attacked by a Rogue Sith with a red-bladed lightsaber. The temple had been abuzz all day with talks of him.

"Who are you?" Anakin asked, braver than she anticipated. She smirked at his tone.

"Well, bowl-head, I'm Dakota Ky" she introduced herself "He's kinda old, don't you think?" she glanced up to Obi-wan.

"Qui-Gon doesn't seem to think so. He has the highest Midi-chlorian count to date" he explained, crossing his arms over his chest. (A/N: Midi-chlorians are BS but whatever)

Anakin looked down to his feet, not knowing what else to say. Dakota took note of his old, dirty clothes, his skinny facial features. He was utterly out of place here, but so was she. There was something special deep inside of him that she could sense, she just wasn't quite sure what it was yet "hey, look, I came here as an older kid too" she shared "It's not fun" she maneuvered her head so that she could see his eyes. He finally returned his gaze back to hers "If this is where you're meant to be, then it'll all work out. You just got to suck it up"

"What kind of advice is that?" Anakin said back, sass present on his tongue.

Dakota's head snapped back slightly and she stood up, a smile forming on her lips as she nudged Obi-wans arm "I like this kid"

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