13 | Led Me Here

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The feeling of one's life slipping away as you hold their hand is forever haunting

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The feeling of one's life slipping away as you hold their hand is forever haunting. For all her life, she had to live with that image in her mind. That's where her trouble began. When the woman, whose hand she was holding, took her final breath. Nothing could prepare her for anything after. Master Yoda sensed a ripple in the force, a late and powerful bloomer. If he acted too slowly, the darkness would've consumed her completely. Mace Windu was sent to retrieve, and bring her to the temple.

As she stood before them all in the council room, they had the thought. The thought that maybe this child was the one. A long awaited hero that would bring balance to the force. Eventually that was to be proved false, but undoubtably the force was strong within her. She spent her days training alone, avoiding social interaction, and dedicating herself to be the best that she could be. The padawans eyed her, and whispered behind her back. She heard every last word.

All of them, except Obi-Wan. He had always wanted to approach her. To at least greet her once. She floated the hallways of the temple silently yet noticeably. Her presence was similar to a fire. A fire that caught everyone's eye. It was when he had returned back to Coruscant after spending a year on Mandalore is when they spoke for the first time.

Their Masters went on a mission to Endor, resulting in the two Padawans becoming lost in the dense forests of the moon. In order to survive, they had to work together. She never said it, but she was always grateful for that failed mission, because she came to know her closest friend. Dakota sat up on the tree branch at the dead of night, starring out to the stars. Her Padawan braid hung down by her eye. She glanced down to Obi-Wan who laid asleep by a fire that was nothing but embers by now.

She jumped down from the tree and landed silently on her toes. Not a single leaf rustled. She gingerly lifted up the blanket that rested at his legs and pulled it up over him to block the chill of the air. Her gaze lingered on him for a moment more before she leapt back up to the branch, wrapping her arms around her legs as a shooting star crossed through the sky.

"Master Ky, do you see anything?"

Dakota blinked, being transported back to reality at the voice of the Duchess. Behind her, Satine and one of her personal guards crept along the storage crates that were set out on the loading dock. They were able to acquire intel on an un-scheduled illegal shipment of slabin and the tea. The Jedi lifted her hand, signaling that the coast was clear and they could approach "So far nothing" she whispered as Satine paused by her side "Are you sure that this Siddiq character is trustworthy?"

"Of course not, but it's the best we got" Satine replied.

"You never can surrounded yourself with trustworthy people, can you?" Dakota shrugged her shoulders "First Vizla, then that other guy that Master Skywalker took care of. You got to get better friends, Duchess" she said half-joking.

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