34 | Lost in the Fire

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Narrator: "Escape from a separatist prison! Carrying information about secret routes into the heart of the Republic and Separatist homeworlds, jedi master Even Piell was captured and imprisoned in a fortress known as The Citadel

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Narrator: "Escape from a separatist prison! Carrying information about secret routes into the heart of the Republic and Separatist homeworlds, jedi master Even Piell was captured and imprisoned in a fortress known as The Citadel. Leading an elite strike team, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Dakota Ky and Anakin Skywalker rescued master Piell and his officers. Now the jedi have split up to evade separatist forces as they attempt to escape The Citadel"


Her instincts were correct, a separatist probe droid had been tracking them ever since they entered the maze of tunnels. When she finally spotted it after several minutes of searching, she wasted no time in slicing her saber directly down the middle. The crushing noise of deactivation echoed around the rock walls of the underground structure "I'm... guessing she found it" Ahsoka said to Anakin, stealing a glance over her shoulder at the sound.

"There may be more of them, we need to keep a look out" Anakin continued forward, slipping around a tight corner. Just to his left, the ground dropped into the swirling lava river.

Dakota approached from behind, hooking her saber to her belt as she silently fell in behind Echo and Fives

"Artoo, are you and your battle droids ready to go?" Anakin rose the comm link on his wrist up to his chin and connected with his blue Astro-droid. R2 beeped in response from the transmitter "All right" the Jedi Knight nodded, understanding exactly what the droid had said "get the ship fired up. We'll meet you at the pipeline exit after you've picked up Obi-Wan, assuming he's still on schedule"

Dakota wondered how Obi-wan and Master Piell were doing. At least they had the genuine privilege to travel without Captain Tarkin "I am beginning to admire the design of this fortress. It's rather formidable to evade" the posh Captain awed at the scenery around him, almost appearing content with the situation that the team was in. Dakota rolled her eyes quietly from behind, sharing a look with Fives.

"How can you admire such a horrible place?" Ahsoka asked in surprise.

"Ah, you reveal your shortsightedness" Tarkin raised his finger at the Padawan "This ordeal only demonstrates how effective facilities like The Citadel are. Pity it ended up in separatist hands and not ours"

"He has a point" Anakin shrugged, earning him a scowl from Ahsoka "All right, snips" he patted her shoulder "I need you to lead the group. Keep following the tunnel. I'll catch up"

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Obi-Wan's not here" Anakin reminded "so someone has to protect our flank"

"You think there's another probe droid?" Dakota crossed her arms.

Anakin smirked "If there is, then I want to take the credit for destroying it"

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