21 | True Intentions

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A/N: I hate this asshole sm but I love Jon Favreau so

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A/N: I hate this asshole sm but I love Jon Favreau so...


Blaster marks littered the wall of the lavish hotel. Dishes laid broken with shards scattered in all different directions. The dining table had been flipped over on its side with the drinks spilt from their cups, staining the marble floor. Obi-wan stood amongst the mess of the hotel, rubbing his beard with his fingers. Anakin was outside on the balcony with Ahsoka, calculating the possible outcomes of the confrontation. Members of the 501st were also present at the scene. Rex was on the roof, his helmet resting on the edge of the building as he scoped out the ground.

A shining object caught his eye, it rested in between the wall and a rooftop water tank. He bent down and picked up what turned out to be a lightsaber. The necklace was wrapped securely around the double-blades. He automatically knew that it was hers. For a brief moment, he allowed his fingers to fiddle with the necklace. A deep sigh escape his lips as he thought of where the Jedi General could be. She has been by their side since day one, and the thought of not knowing where she is causes him great anxiety.

"Got something, Rex?" Fives came over and looked over his shoulder.

"The Generals lightsaber, I found it here" he motioned "She definitely made her way to the roof"

"You seem... worried" Fives noticed.

Rex cleared his throat, lowering the saber down to his side "She's our superior, Fives. The leader of our legion, and she's missing. Of course I am concerned!"

"Sorry brother, didn't mean to push a button" he backed away, giving a smirk. Rex shook his head in disproval "Look, General Ky wouldn't want for us to worry about her. She'll come back to us, I know it"

"Yeah!" A young clone trooper, Kyle, added "she hasn't let us down before!"

"Wasn't it just a few months ago that you were petrified of her?" Fives joked with Kyle, shoving him slightly to the side.

Kyle shrugged "Weren't we all?"


Hondo made his way back to his ship as it concluded the fueling process. His pet Kowakiam Lizard scrambled along the landing platform and crawled up to perch itself on his shoulder. The pirate reached up to scratch the creature behind its ear. Parsel, Hondo's co-pilot approached, pulling the red bandana down from his mouth to speak to the leader "Hey boss, tanks all fueled up, we're preparing to depart"

"No, no, not quite" he shook his head, walking passed the other pirate "let me make a call" he headed inside of the ship and went to his communication device in the cockpit. He sat down heavily and spun on the chair towards the keypad, typing in a few buttons before connecting with someone on the other line. As the device hummed, he sat back against the chair and thought of the lovely Jedi Master. She had been kidnapped, no doubt, hence the chains, but she was entirely calm about the entire situation. Of course it's only natural, because that's her. Not a thing in the universe can scare her it seems.

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