38 | Curse of Attachment

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A/N: he's so cute holy crap, i LOVE him.

A/N: he's so cute holy crap, i LOVE him

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"Please tell me that this isn't true" was the first thing Obi-wan Kenobi said once the shuttle had landed on the tarmac outside of the Jedi temple. He stood beside Master Yoda as the transport ship's hatch touched the ground and Anakin stormed off with his eyes low. The young Jedi passed by his former Master without even sparing him a single glance. Obi-wan reached his hand out to stop him but he ignored. Afternoon sun poked in through the clouds, illuminating the temple in front of them. There was no point in trying to talk to Anakin now, he hadn't said a word the entire flight back to Coruscant.

Dakota came down from the ship to the tarmac and Obi-wan turned, searching her green eyes instead for some sort of answer "You should... go do your Master thing" she advised Obi-wan, pausing next to her friend while motioning to Anakin who had disappeared inside of the temple "he doesn't want to talk, but he needs someone"

Obi-wan understood and followed after his former apprentice. An uneasiness had settled upon all of their shoulders because of Ahsoka's absence Dakota idly stood at the bottom of the hatch, her eyebrows furrowed together at the emptiness that plagued her chest. The young Togruta was always bright and eager, willing to give her all on the various missions that she was assigned to. Those are the types of Padawan's that only come around once in a lifetime. She has been the glue of the 501st. Now, she's gone.

This is why Dakota cannot have a Padawan of her own. She has a cavernous understanding of her emotions, and she knows all too well that if she were to be assigned an apprentice, her emotions would cloud her judgement eventually. Ahsoka isn't even her Padawan, and yet she cares about her as if she was. If Dakota could go back to her Padawan years, she'd wish to have the same enthusiasm as Ahsoka does.

Behind her, Rex was still inside of the vessel conversing with Fives as the engines prepared for takeoff. She glanced to see him, holding eye contact with him until the hatch door closed back up and separated the two. It's as she said before, there isn't anything to say. Her heart sank as she crossed her arms and slowly made her way to the temple.


22 BBY - The Battle of Christophsis

"The droids have pulled back, but not for no reason" Dakota sheathed her double-green blades and hooked the saber securely onto her belt, not feeling all that content with how the battle against the droids transpired. It was all too easy "the enemy must have a plan in mind, so remain on guard"

"Yes sir"

"Oh, and Mars, check in with all of the men in the look-out posts, tell them to keep their eyes peeled and report on anything and everything. I don't want another surprise attack"

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