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"God, Rafe," you muttered to yourself when you woke up yet again freezing cold with no blanket covering your body anymore. You don't even know why he needed the blankets all the time. He was like a heater himself so there was no way he was cold. You were tired of trying to pull some small section of the covers for yourself so you decided to just slip yourself on top of Rafe between him and the blankets.

"Y/n?" he questioned softly as he felt your body move onto his.

"Yes, babe?"

"Why are you on top of me? Not that I mind it but why?" he chuckled as his hands clasped behind the small of your back.

"You keep stealing all of the covers and I'm freezing. Plus you're really warm," you told him while snuggling into his bare chest.

"Oh okay. Go back to sleep, baby," he whispered before pressing his lips to the top of your head, and there, wrapped up in each other, you both were warm and fell asleep with ease.

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