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warnings: mentions of drugs

"you always drag me into the most questionable shit," you griped when rafe walked you through the disgusting house he had found. he was an explorer for sure, but he liked to keep his scarier finds hidden from you so that he could show you them during october to up the spooky factor as he liked to say. "what if someone else is here?"

"this house is abandoned for a reason, babe. no one will be here and like i said, i've been here before. it's okay," he attempted to reassure you though those attempts were futile.

"okay, but there could be homeless people or other cracked-out weirdo explorers or-" you were cut off by his glare. "oh yeah, you've put down coke and i am proud of you for that, but this is creepy and is it even safe here? rafe, there is mold everywhere and holes in the floors and walls. should we be breathing this in? aren't you scared?"

"y/n, i don't get scared. i'm not scared of anything!" he shouted the last bit to prove to you that he wasn't afraid. if there was anyone else in this place, they would be coming any time now.

"oh yeah, what about that spider on your shoulder?" immediately, he began fearfully swatting at his shoulder and shrugged off his jacket, shaking it to rid it of any arachnids or other insects. "uh-huh, that's what i thought, wonder boy. come on, we're leaving."

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