warnings: not proofread, mentions of drinking, minor swearing
"here he comes," your friend, sabrina, noted when she spotted the tall blond making his way over. she took the last swig of your drink before taking the empty cup and getting lost in the crowd, leaving you alone in the corner of the college party. you let out a small huff at her quick exit. you were alone, soon to be with rafe when he got over here, and were without any liquid coverage to get you through the encounter.
"hey sweet stuff," rafe drawled, earning the eye roll from you he was looking for.
"what did i tell you about calling me that?" you bit as you crossed your arms over your chest and leaned back against the wall behind you.
he pursed his lips and furrowed his brows, pretending he was off in deep thought, but you knew the organ between his ears wasn't capable of such deliberation. "i don't remember anything about 'sweet stuff'. i do remember you saying words i can't repeat about some other names, though," he said through a smug smirk that you so desperately wanted to slap off his face.
"go ahead and add 'sweet stuff' to that list," you told him firmly. "did you need something? because i'm here to have a good time and last i checked, that's impossible to do with you around."
rafe let out a deep chuckle, his blue eyes shining in the neon lights of a beer sign hanging haphazardly on the frat house wall. "you make it so hard to sweet talk you, you know?" he quipped before continuing into why he came over in the first place. "so you know how tomorrow is valentine's day?"
your stare told him you heard him and knew of tomorrow's festivities.
"well, i told my friends i'd go on this stupid double date with them," rafe spoke with a sigh, his eyes gazing hopefully into yours.
you didn't see why he was telling you this and quite frankly, you didn't care. "and that's my business because..?" you trailed off.
rafe paused before continuing. "..i don't have a date."
you couldn't hold back your laughter. it started as an escaped giggle that grew into a hearty chuckle, a full-on belly laugh at his expense. and if he didn't look so earnest, you would've kept on. but your laughter fizzled out, and you wiped your eyes.
"oh shit, you're serious," you mumbled.
his short nod cemented your words.
"why are you asking me? we aren't exactly besties. it's not a good idea but that's kind of your thing, isn't it? bad ideas," you told him in confusion.
a dry chuckle left rafe's lips. "believe it or not, you know more about me, so you're the best fit."
that part made you feel for him for a second, and that small second of weakness cost you. "why couldn't i have met you at college like everyone else?" you grumbled before nodding and giving in. "fine."
rafe's eyes widened ever so slightly. then that stupid smirk made a reappearance. "dress cute. i'll pick you up at seven. see you later, cupcake," he whispered when he leaned forward into your space before walking away.
"don't call me cupcake!"

Rafe Cameron Blurbs
FanfictionDifferent blurbs with Rafe Cameron as the main interest. I post these same blurbs on Tumblr @annab-nana. Enjoy my loves!