"Jenna! Please help your sister get ready! Aunt Sarah and JB will be here any minute," you shouted from the bottom of the stairs. You and Rafe both loved your girls dearly but you'd be lying if you said you weren't excited to have a night kid-free.
"Alright, Ryder is all ready to go," you heard Rafe speak softly behind you. Spinning around, you saw your husband holding the two-year-old in his arms, his little hands gripping onto a handful of Rafe's shirt.
"Mama! Kara won't put her dress on!" the words of your eldest sounded throughout the home.
"I don't want to," you heard Kara snipe back at Jenna. You let out a sigh before Rafe handed you your son.
"I've got it," he whispered, pressing his lips to your head and going up the stairs. Right then, the doorbell rang and Ryder wiggled in your grip, wanting to be let down. You did as he wanted and his little feet ran to the front door while John B slowly opened it, eyes lighting up at the toddler.
"B! B!" the tot squealed as he reached for his uncle who gladly took him into his arms.
"Hey, little man! Where're your sisters?" Ryder pointed upwards which earned a nod from the shaggy-haired man. John B hadn't changed much in the last few years. He was still the same adventurous kid from high school but now that Sarah was pregnant, he was learning to settle down a little more. Speaking of the woman with the new pregnancy glow, Sarah walked into the room with a book tucked under her arm.
"What do you have there?" you inquired as the young woman pulled you into the living room and placed the book down in your lap.
"I found it in Rafe's old room when we were doing some cleaning. It was under his bed and I thought you two would like it," Sarah mentioned before she opened it and you soon realized it was a photo album.
"What's that mommy?" Kara asked as she hopped down the steps and ran to you. You patted the spot next to you and she took a seat when Jenna and Rafe walked in as well.
"It's some old pictures of me and your daddy," you told the little girl as her eyes widened at the slightly younger versions of her parents, newly in love and smiling wide.
"Oh I forgot about that," Rafe stated when he saw what everyone was looking at. His fingers trailed over the page and landed on a picture of you and him eating pizza in the back of his truck. His lips were on your cheek and your grin stretched across your face. "This is my favorite picture of us."
"Mommy looks so pretty," Kara mumbled as her eyes danced all over the pictures.
"Yeah, she does. She always does," Rafe muttered loud enough for you to hear.
"Ew, gross," John B spoke up, making fake gagging noises at the moment you two were sharing. Ryder joined in, poking out his tongue and giving you a thumbs down.
"Well, I suggest you guys get out of here before it gets really gross," Rafe told them when he pulled your hand to pull you up with him. "You've got ten seconds before I kiss her."
"Run, run, run!" John B yelled, grabbing Kara with his free arm and running out. Jenna trailed behind them with her backpack in hand.
"Here's Ryder's bag," you told Sarah, "and Kara had hers on so y'all should be good to go."
"Should I expect another niece or nephew sometime soon?" she snickered while nearing the door.
"Do you want to see us make one?" Rafe snapped teasingly, pressing kisses to your neck and your giggles delighting his ears.
"I'm leaving. Keep your pants on for two more seconds," she spoke before slipping out the front door.
"I love you," you giggled as Rafe's lips tickled your face.
"Love you too sweetheart."

Rafe Cameron Blurbs
FanfictionDifferent blurbs with Rafe Cameron as the main interest. I post these same blurbs on Tumblr @annab-nana. Enjoy my loves!