white shorts. a woman's worst enemy when she's on her period especially when she doesn't know it's coming, but yours was on its way and there was no warning. it happens to the best of us and it happened to you. you thought you had at least another week but no. your monthly visitor was on her way whether you were ready for it or not. you and rafe were heading to hang out with topper and kelce at the island club, but when you hopped out of the truck, rafe noticed the red spot that had stained your shorts.
"stay right there, y/n. don't move," he stated. you had no clue what was going on but remained frozen. you didn't know if there was a bug on you or something else. why did you have to still? you heard rafe shut his door, then open another before shutting that one too and coming over to you. he had a hoodie of his that he kept in the back of his truck which he held by the sleeves as he slipped it behind you and tied the sleeves around your waist.
"rafe, what's up?" you asked while looking up at him with furrowed brows. you were thoroughly confused at the situation and wanted some sort of clarity or reason to his odd behavior.
"you, um, bled through your shorts," he mumbled, feeling as awkward about it as you did though he tried his hardest not to show it.
"oh my god," you whispered while the tears of embarrassment brimmed your eyes. of course this would happen to you. why would it not? you let your head fall onto his chest in attempt to hide but you honestly just felt awful about the whole thing. you definitely didn't want to hang out with the guys now, you wanted to cry for the rest of your days because right now it felt like a big deal. life just wasn't being the kindest to you at the moment.
"tell me what you want to do and let's do it," he told you soothingly. he knew you probably felt bad about it and wanted to make you feel as comfortable as he could. "i've got some more clothes in the back of the truck if you want to go into the store right there and change."
"yes please." you nodded at him before he grabbed the duffle bag he had in the back of his car for when he needed a change of clothes after surfing or something like that. "um rafe? if you want to go with the boys, you can and i can drive the truck back home and pick you up or one of the guys can drop you off. i just don't feel up to it anymore."
"we don't have to. i'm staying with you if that's alright." again, you nodded before walking into the store next to the island club. unfortunately, it didn't sell feminine products so you had to make do with some toilet paper before you changed into rafe's boxers, a pair of his shorts, and the hoodie that was tied around your waist moments prior. when you walked out, you heard rafe on the phone with someone.
"yeah man, i'm just not feeling so hot so y/n is going to stay with me and hopefully i'll feel better and we can hang out another time," rafe spoke into the phone. "mhmm, see ya kelce."
"you didn't have to do that," you told him while tossing his bag back in the truck.
"i know," he shrugged as you reached up to kiss his cheek.
"thank you, rafe." he blushed and nodded at you before opening the door for you. you were glad to see you hadn't bled through to his seat because that definitely wouldn't have helped anything.
"where to, princess?" he questioned as soon as he got in and cranked the vehicle up.
"my house."

Rafe Cameron Blurbs
FanfictionDifferent blurbs with Rafe Cameron as the main interest. I post these same blurbs on Tumblr @annab-nana. Enjoy my loves!