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"i shouldn't have listened to you," you whined into rafe's wool-clad chest. you loved scary movies but the thing about movies is that they weren't real. there were jump scares but nothing could come out and touch you or scream in your face or anything like that. all feared things remained behind the screen, just how you liked it. but a lot of times, people who knew you assumed that since you loved horror films, you would love haunted houses and mazes and hayrides. they were very very wrong.

"i'm sorry. i thought you'd like this." he felt so bad. he had never seen you scared before, at least not to this extent. but he was trying his best to protect you from it all with his arms wrapped tightly around you and laying light kisses to the top of your head.

"it's okay," you mumbled into his sweater, still refusing to pull your face away from him until it was all over. you were practically in his lap, holding onto him for dear life like a child but you didn't care. there were children on this hayride that were handling the spooky creatures jumping out of the trees a lot better than you were. with your head buried into the comforting wool material, you heard clown-like giggles, screeching, little girls laughing, other terrifying noises near you. it was like they knew you were horrified and were preying on your vulnerability.

"i've got you, okay? nothing will hurt you when you're with me," rafe's reassuring words flowed through your ears. you nodded against his chest before moving up to hide in the crook of his neck. he situated you comfortably and resumed holding you tight. there in his arms was truly the only place you had ever felt so safe.

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