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you wished so desperately for the neighbor on your right to close his kitchen window because you didn't know how much longer you would be able to resist such an aroma. being pregnant was hard. without much of a support system, it was even harder. one of the main reasons you moved to the outer banks was because it was where your grandpa lived. all your other relatives had passed on, didn't speak to you, or possibly didn't even know you existed, but your grandpa was there through it all. when you were on the phone with him one day, he was telling you about how the quaint little house next door was up for sale and mentioned you moving in there if you didn't want to move in with him, knowing you liked to have your space. so that's where you were now and you felt a lot more secure with your grandfather right there to help you when your little boy arrived in six short weeks. but right now, that little boy clearly wanted whatever your neighbor was cooking and you were too tired to put up a fight.

you felt like an idiot for what you were doing but grabbed a plate regardless. this would certainly be a first impression to remember. you chuckled at yourself before leaving your house and waddling over to his. you tried to let any embarrassment flush out of your body as you knocked on the innocent man's door.

"you're y/n, right?" the tall—and very gorgeous now that you were seeing him up close—man asked with a smile.

"um, yeah. you know my grandpa?" you returned to make conversation and to figure out how he knew you before having to make your random request.

"he knew my mom and tells me stories about her all the time." the man grinned, one that didn't quite reach his eyes which told you something unfortunate had happened to his mother. you nodded and prepared yourself for this very nice man to write you off as a weirdo and send you on your way.

"okay, i know this is odd, but i smelled what you were cooking and it smells fantastic so i was wondering if i could have some?" it was then when he noticed you had brought a plate with you, the action making you look even more adorable in his eyes. how was he to turn down the very cute lady? he simply couldn't.

"yeah, sure. come on in, but you're going to need a bowl," he told you while leading you inside. he grabbed you a bowl and used the ladle to scoop up some of the soup he had prepared. he placed the bowl on the plate you brought and put some cornbread he had also made on the side. "i think that should be enough for now. if you want some more, you are welcome to come back."

"i'm sorry about this by the way. i know it's kinda weird," you spoke shyly, looking down at the food you had just been given and feeling guilty about it.

"it's okay. you gotta feed the baby and we can't help that they know what good cooking smells like." his comment made you feel better about the situation as well as eliciting a giggle from you. "you are welcome to sniff out my food anytime."

"well thank you..." you trailed off, realizing you hadn't gotten the stranger's name.

"rafe," he filled in the blank for you and you sent him a grin.

"thank you, rafe. i'll have to cook you something in return," you told him while you both maneuvered closer to the door.

"don't stress it, but you could come over and have dinner with me if you'd like," he offered, leaning against the door frame when you stepped out of the house and onto the porch.

"maybe another day? i've got laundry to do, but i'd love to see what else you can make."

"i'd like that," he spoke before you thanked him again and bid him goodbye. he watched you waddle back over to your house with the proudest smile on your face and wave at him when you turned to see him still at his door. he swore he had never seen anyone as cute as you.

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