The Decision

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Chelseys P.O.V

I had  decided what i was going to do. It was my final decision. Some how near the future i will regret this or maybe i wont.

I tooke a deep breathe in and gave my final decision.

"Niall, i think we should just be friends," I said to him breaking my heart to pieces. His face fell and his bottom lip was quivering. He look dishiveled and heart broken. His face saddened with deppression and i could see tears forming in his eyes. I could see his pain.

"But-but i thought you loved me?" he said in a small whisper. I looked away. I couldnt face it anymore. If i stared at him, i would easily give in to him. Thats not what was best for me. So i avoided eye contact.

"Niall, i was in the moment, how could i just not say it? I think its best, for both of us," I continued my face turning to stone. I glanced at him as a tear escaped his eye. HIs blue eyes burning into my own eyes.

"You cant be serious," he choked out. I turned towards him. I had to make him believe its the best choice.

"Stay with Lee, its better off that way and im serious Niall, 100% serious," I said keeping my voice in monotone. He glared at me.

"Look me in the eyes, and tell me that each time i see you, you dont get butterflie, that im not on your mind, that im not the first thing you worry about, that im not who you want to be with, Tell me, tell me you dont love me," he said gritting his teeth. The tears started forming in my eyes.

He was everything to me. Thats why i need to let him go. Because its not healthy. Because he keeps breaking me in two. Because no matter how hard i try, he is the first thing on my mind, he is what i want to be with, he is who i worry for, and he is who im madly, truly, deeply in love with.

I looked him deep in his blue eyes and told him, "Your not on my mind all the time, i dont worry about you, and i dont want to be with you, -

"Stop, i dont need to know the rest, just-just leave me," he interrupted me getting up and shoving his face away from me. Dizzyly i got up and left the room. As i turned back, to glance at him, i could see tears falling down from his cheeks. He was shaking as he slided down the wall.

I wanted to just run and pick him up and kiss him. Kiss him till he forgot everything. Kiss him and tell him the truth. But before i tried, i hastily turned and got out of the room before i would do something that would ruin my efforts.

As i closed the door, i could hear his weeping. It was like death in my ears. I had to go home. I couldnt let anyone see me break down. I had to pretend everything was alright.

Gracie walked in hand in hand with Liam with a smile, but as soon as she saw me it fell from her face. She let go of Liam and hurried to me.

"What happened?" She asked. I put on a fake smile and replied,"Nothing, we just decided to stay friends,"

She looked at me with a frown. Wasnt she screaming at Niall before? Why is she upset we're just friends? Liam stared at Niall's bedroom door.

"This isnt good," he mumbled to himself. I pretended i didnt hear though. He pushed past me a frown evident on his face as he quickly went to Niall's room.

"I need to go home," I said to her in monotone. She nodded as she led me out of the hotel. We bumpbed into Zayn, Haryy and Louis. They were in the kitchen sitting around.

"So, did you guys already make love?" Louis asked. My eyes bulged out. Him being Louis would ask something like that. I shook my head.

"So you didnt break tables?" Zayn said quoting a line in one of their songs. I shook my head. I just needed to head out and fast.

"Guys,drop it," Harry said examining my face. It was as if he could see behind my mask. Gracie led me out of the hotel and as soon as we were in the car i faced the window and let all my tears pour out. I began sobbing violently.

I wanted him so bad. I already missed him so much. My heart ached. I wanted his soft lips to be brushing mine, i wanted him next to me playing with my hair telling me how beautiful i was and when i objected, how he would object and make me feel beautiful.

Then the memory of the song he had sang to me, broke me down. I hadnt realized we were parked in my house until gracie interrupted me.

"Chelsey, I will respect your decision, maybe its for the best but dont forget im here for you always, i'll be with you through everything okay, dont forget that," She said as she hugged me. I cried into her shoulders. She was like my home. She was where i could stay at and heal.

"I love him so much, i just-" Suddenly my throat hurt.

"Whats wrong?" Gracie asked worridly.

"My throat- oww" I said hoarsly as i rubbed my throat. I winced in pain.

"Are you sick, do you want me to take you to the hospital?" She asked. I shook my head.

"It just hurts i'll rest it," i said wincing. My throat was like on fire. It ached really bad. Gracie looked at me worriedly. I waved goodbye to her as i got off the car. As i opened the door to my home, i was greeted by my mother. She didnt look so happy.

"Why didnt i know you were staying at Niall's hotel?" She asked. Just the sound of his name made me cringe. Flashbacks and memories came rushing back and i holded my tears in. I couldnt bear my troubles to my mother. She looked at me worriedly.

She let the arguement drop instead, and hugged me.

"What happened?" She asked. I shrugged partly not wanting to explain and partly not wanting to cry again. She gave me a tight hug not pushing the question further and giving me space.

I dragged my feet to my bedroom, where i sat down on the corner of my bed. The only thing going through my mind being Niall. How could i let him go so easily? The more i thought about him the more i wanted to cry. He was everything to me. He was all i wanted.

But i couldnt trust him yet. No, i cant. He is one of the best things that has happened to me, but he is the one thing that could kill me. I laid down my bed not even bothering to change. I was to tired. As i lay there i thought with all the crying i wouldnt have tears left. But i was wrong, because as soon as i let my mind wander i began crying.

I cried and cried. I cried as i realized he wasnt going to be next to me soothing me or messing with me. I wont be able to look at him in the eye and see him as my lover. No, i wont be able to do anything anymore. I have to pretend to just be a friend to him.

And the worst, is i broke him becausei know im the reason he is crying, im his pain, and i broke him. Im making his heart ache. Im making him believe that the one thing i have felt since i first saw him, was all a lie. When i know, it isnt and no where near to ever being a lie.



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