A new hope

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Nialls P.O.V

"What do you mean it didnt go well?" Gracie asked the nurse an edge to her voice.

"She hasnt woken up, she might just be in a coma," the nurse explained. I breathed out and realized i had been holdin my breath.

A new hope rose in me as i realized she hadnt left us yet.

"Tough one, her heart stoped twice but yet she came back," the nurse continued saying.

"One of you can see her right now," She continued.

"Niall, you can go," Gracie said to me. I shook my head.

"No, you go," I told her.

"Ive seen her already, you need to see her more than i do," She continued. Liam clung to her side. I nodded. I got up from my seat and followed the nurse. She led me into a dark lit room. In the middle there was a bed with a body laying in it.

I couldnt help the tears that flowed. Chelsey layed there looking so peacefully. Yet, you could see how bed ridden she was. Her skin clung to her bones. She looked ill. Like if you were to touch her she would just break into a millions of pieces.

It saddened me to see her like that. The nurse left quickly and i stood there just watching her. Would this be the last time i would be able to see her? Without life? I got a chair and scooted next to her.

I grabbed her hand and my skin flinched at the coldness she radiated. I intertwined my fingers with her. It brought me to the many memories we had.

I stroked her hair and smiled. She was so beautiful. Even as sick as she was, she was still beautiful. I couldnt believe something so tragic could happen to her. She didnt deserve it. She was one of the most kindest persons.

"Dont you dare leave me," I whispered to her.

"You cant leave me, not when i havent apologized to you," I continued. She just stood there motionless. Unable to hear me.

I couldnt take it anymore. I couldnt look at her lifeless body. I got up and kissed her forehead.

"I love you," i whispered to her. I got up out of the room and walked past the boys to go outside. I needed some time alone. Once outside, i let everything out. I cried and cried. I cried and screamed. people stared at me, but i could care less.

Chelseys P.O.V

I was stuck in a deep blackness. i couldnt see and i couldnt feel. There were voices but they were so distant. The only thing i could feel was the pain. The pain that traveled around my body. i just wanted it to stop. I wanted it to go away.

Then it stopped. But i still couldnt see. I could feel but i couldnt move. It was like i was there but wasnt there.

Then i felt someone grab a hold of my hand. It was warm and familliar. There was no way it could be his hand. Then someone started grabbnig a hold of my hair playing and twirling it. The way the person played with my hair calmed me. It made me feel safe.

"Dont you dare leave me," an irish accent said. If my body couldve tensed it would have. I knew that voice from anywhere.

I wanted to yell at him. To tell him to leave. To forget me. That he didnt need to be here.

"You cant leave me, not when i havent apologized to you," he continued. i just listened to him confused. Apologize to me for what?

I could feel something wet on my cheek and i itched to wipe it off but i couldnt move. More wetness dropped on my cheek. It was as if it was raining. Thats when i put the pieces together. Was he crying?

"I love you," he whispered in my ear. I could feel my heart fluttering. Those three words i'd thought i'd never hear again. he had said he never had loved me. How could i had believed him?

I felt a pair of lips peck my forehead. I assumed it was Nialls. I had just wanted to go up to him and kiss him. Thats when i realized i couldnt move. Why couldnt i move? or speak? What was going on with me? Why cant i?

Niall's P.O.V

I never fels so vulnerable. So broken. To watch someone you love before your eyes disappear. How much time would it take for her to wake up? How long would i be able to keep this up? To watch her lay there motionless? How much could i take before i broke down?



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