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Nialls P.O.V

I stopped her. I stopped her midsentence before she could say the one thing that would destroy me completely. The words slipping out of her mouth, she didnt know how much effect it had on me.

As she left, i couldnt stop myself from crying. I was shaken, broken, and destroyed. I cared for her more than my own life. I wrote that song for her from the pain of not seeing her face. The pain of not having her next to me. Knowing she could be with another guy. Just the thought riled me up with anger.

No one could have her, she was mine. I had never ever felt so vunerable, so weak in my life. It was like something crashed down on my heart. Like it was being dragged on a floor full of glass. Crying wasnt enough.

If only i had met her before, if only she had been the first one in my eyes. I slid on the floor shaking and bawling my eyes out. I loved her. And it wasnt puppy love. It wasnt puppy love, because how can puppy love hurt so much, why do i feel like im here but not alive? Why do i feel as if i would give my life for her? I would risk my own career. I couldnt care less about anything.

I revolve around her. I want to be next to her through every obstacle. I want to be the one who comforts her when she's sad. I want to be the one she cuddles with in movies. I want to wake up to her beautiful face every morning. I want to be her reason. I want to be her man. I want to show her off to everyone. I want her, and its just that.

She's like the air i need to keep surviving. A drug that i cant get enough. The way her lips are so soft, and the way her face is so beautiful.I started sobbing harder. I would give anything anything to have her back, but i failed. How am i suppose to go on? Be friends with her, when i have feelings for her? How my heart stops whenever shes near.How i cant even think because shes there. I love her and if love was describable, i dont even think my love for her would even begin to cover it.

Liams P.O.V

As soon as chelsey said they were just friends, i panicked. Niall may seem like he's tough, but he is reall fragile. And i could tell, that he really liked chelsey. He always has and no matter how hard he tries to forget her he only ends up falling in more for her. They both love each other. Its evident in the way they look at each other.

Ive noticed it and so has everybody. Like when he gets up, she automatically looks at him and gazed to where he heads of too, and she does the same. Yet they keep hurting each other and putting themselves at distance.

What they need is to let go off the past. They need to concentrate on only them. I'll give them a month before they get back together. Because true love always find its way back, and i believe thats something they have.

I rushed to Niall's room to see him on the floor shaking and crying. His face was full of tears and you could see his broken heart just on his face. My heart ached from his pain.

"Niall, its okay everything will work out, just give her some time," I said to him trying to cheek him up. He looked up at me. His face gloomy and broke.

"Time? Li, i cant go a second without her on my mind!" His bottom lip quivered. I bended down and gave him a hug. He hugged me back as he began soaking my shirt full of his tears.

"Li, i would do anything for her anything but she-she's gone and i cant breathe i need her Li, im a mess without her," He kept sobbing. It was deppressing seeing Niall like this.

"Niall, shh shh we will get through this," I soothed him. He just kept crying. I just wanted to make him happy, but even i couldnt do that. The only one who could was chelsey and she wasnt helping so much right now.

"Want some food? We can go anywhere," I told him patting his back. He shook his head. This was serious. No matter what, Niall would never give up food. In fact i believe he would put food first before a girl, even if he loved her to death.

"Niall, are you sure?" I asked. He nodded.

"Im not hungry at all," he said his eyes drooping looking lifeless. I couldnt stand seeing him like this. He was like a zombie. It has only been maybe an hour and he already looks dead.

"Pal, fight for her, i know for a fact she really loves you Niall," I said to him. He looked up at me hope in his eyes.

"She dosent, she told me herself but i stopped her from saying it, i dont know what i would do if she had said it outloud but i knew she was thinking it," he said the hope draining out of his eyes. He just couldnt see it. It was a fact that Chelsey was in love with him as much as he was in love with her.

"I see it Niall, maybe you dont but i do," I said to him. His eyes were less gloomy and a flash of hope went through his face.

Then a idea crept on my brilLIAM mind.

"In fact, make her jealous it will make her come to you," I said to him. I was not being daddy directioner right now, but i needed to get my Nialler happy right now.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Make her jealous act happy around Lee, you know it happened last time, you both got together because of the jealousy thing," I said to him. As the information crept in he gave me a half smile.

"I'll try but i dont know if it will work," he said new hope covering his voice. I gave him a highfive which he gave back weakly but it was something at least.


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