The carnival

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Nialls P.O.V

I don't know why, but when I saw her reaction to seeing that dude Brandon my blood was filled with bitterness and hatred towards to Brandon. She was looking down and sad then she starts smiling because of that boys presence. I need to focus on Anne. We were riding to the carnival. The van stopped and we all got outside. We went to the ticket booth and I payed for the bracelets. I went back and handed them bracelets.

"I'm so excited!," Gracie said admiring all the rides. We stopped at one ride and everyone wanted to go except chelsey. She looked scared. I wanted to go hug her and tell her everything alright, but instead I told her,"It's just a ride, get over it."

She ignored me like I didn't even exist and went closer to Brandon.

"Come on! I'll protect you," Brandon told chelsey. She shook her head.

"You go ahead, I'll wait for you here," she told him. He nodded and gave her a kiss on her forehead and I restrained my hand from punching him. I turned to Anne who look scared also.

"You want to go babe?" I asked her.

"No, I don't. Stay with me," she said. I nodded but felt annoyed. The ride looked awesome and I really did want to ride it. Liam went with everyone else and zayn went with Gracie. Liam looked at them with hurt. I wonder why. They left to the ride and soon it was just me, Anne, and chelsey.

We sat down in a bench and waited for them. Anne and I started flirting and I wanted to make chelsey jealous. Why am I thinking this? I don't want her to be jealous, I want to be with Anne. I kissed Anne and felt her warm mouth on mine. It didn't make me feel butterflies or anything. It was a boring kiss. Why did chelsey ruin my relationship? Why was she so damn perfect? I pulled away from Anne and sighed.

I then noticed some guy was talking with chelsey. He was making her feel uncomfortable. I knew that she was because she was because she had a bad habit of biting her bottom lip and playing with her hair. I guess the man was taking it as a flirting. I was going to tell the man to back off, but Brandon beat me to it.

"Leave her, can't you see she's taken?," Brandon said putting his arm around her. How can she make me feel so much hatred to a person I didn't even know. The man snickered at Brandon and left. Chelsey thanked him, but he still had his arm around her waist.

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Liam's P.O.V

On the ride gracie started to panick. I wanted to just kiss her. I wanted to feel her lips on mine. I wanted her back in my arms. I just wanted her and that's it. I didn't want Danielle. Then zayn hugged her and she smiled at him. She smiled at him. I suddenly felt like pushing zayn far away from her. The seats were three and I hoped Gracie would sit next to me, but zayn took her to another seat where they could both sit together. Brandon sat with us. Louis and Harry sat next to each other also.

The ride had finished and we all started walking to Niall and the others when we noticed a man othering chelsey. Brandon claimed her as his and the man backed away. We all went to other rides. Chelsey didn't ride them all and neither did Anne or Harry. Louis started dancing like a crazy person when call me maybe was blasting from a stereo nearby. We laughed at him.

"So, it was fun guys, but I have to go," Brandon then said reading something from his phone. He said goodbyes to us and kissed chelsey on the cheek and left. Harry was holding a purple monkey that Louis had won for him. Niall had gotten Anne a teddy bear. Zayn had given Gracie a pink bear. The thought mad my stomach churn. I had won Danielle a blue stuffed elephant. Chelsey was the only one without a thing. I felt ad for her. Everyone then left to another ride except for Niall and chelsey.

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