The Shocking Truth

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Nialls P.O.V

Chelsey got off Skype and Louis shut the laptop.

"So, what did you talk about?," Racheal asked. Seeing chelsey fr the first time in a week brought emotions too me.

"Why she decided to call this bum and not me," I told her. She laughed. Why wasn't her laugh beautiful like before. Was it because of chelsey?

"Who is she?," she then asked.

"Just an old friend," I said kissing her on the lips. It didn't feel the same anymore. At first there were sparks, but now there's nothing. Why does chelsey always ruin my relationships like why? I find one girl and she pops up again making everything fall.

"Vas hapenin boys and girls?," zayn said entering mine nd louis flat. We decided Louis would live with me since everyone took the Larry stylinson too serious. Zayn lived with Harry and Liam.

"Guess who skyped Louis and not us?," I asked him.

"Who?," Harry said entering the flat with Liam following behind him.

"Chelsey," Louis said giving me death glares.

"What? Omg you need to give me her Skype!," Harry yelled at him.

"Ok, who else wants it?," Louis asked. Everyone got her Skype but me. I don't think she'll even want to look at me after what I did to her. After what I told her. I don't even know why I even told her that. I must've sounded like an ass.

"Were u guys that close to her?," Racheal asked.

"We were practically her brothers!," Zayn said. Harry nodded in agreement.

"Where is she now?," she asked.

"I want to meet her!," she added. I don't think that's a good idea but I just shrugged.

"She went to Texas with her friend," Liam said.


Gracie's P.O.V

I noticed chelsey was reall quiet throughout the whole day in school. Something must've happened. I wonder what though. I logged on Facebook to see if she wrote anything but nothing appeared. I hesitated but I logged on twitter. I saw pictures of Liam and Danielle together.

I was going to log out when I saw a tweet of chelsey. It was directed to Louis. So she talks to him but not to me? Maybe because she doesn't want me to remember the boys or something. I wonder why though. I didn't have to wonder for long when I saw a picture of Niall with a brown haired girl.

"That jerk!," I yelled.

"What happened?," my little brother said coming inside my room.

"Nothng! Now get out of my room!," I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes at me but got out anyways.

She was really pretty. She had green eyes, and she looked like a model. I still think chelsey is way prettier than her. I'll have a long talk with her tommorow.


Liam's P.O.V

Maybe I shouldn't call her. The laptop was in front off me with Skype on. I wanted to call chelsey and maybe get some information on how Gracie is. I saw that she was on so I quickly pressed the call button before the others noticed she was online.

Minutes later she answered with a confused look on her face. She was still the same, but she looked like she had woken up.

"Did I wake you up?," I asked her.

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