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Chelseys P.O.V

I was trying to be nice. I was trying really hard. I didn't want to make her hate me. And she goes and says that. Seriously? It's like I'm nice, you'll treat me like shit. That racheal girl has serious problemos! I can't believe she had the nerve to say something like that.

Then I bumped into someone. My head hit their head.

"I'm so sorry, Oww," I said to the person I had bumped. Gracie smacked me. If only I had payed attention I wouldn't have bumped into someone.

"It's okay, you look really mad though," a feminine voice said. I looked up to see it was a really pretty girl. She could be a model. No, she probably was a model. She had brown eyes and curly long hair. She had like this "Perfect" face. I bet she's a model.

"Are you a model?," I then blurted out. She probably thinks I'm creepy now. She laughed at me like it was really random.

"I think she hit her head really hard we are so sorry!," Gracie said to the girl and nudged me in my ribs.

"I have a concusion and here you are trying to break my ribs," I winced in pain. I was getting a headache and soon I felt nauseated. I did not feel like going to the hospital.

"Really? Do you guys want to come in? Are you okay? Do you need to lay down?," The girl asked me.

"Yes, I need an ice pack right now, and hey I never got your name!," I told her. She smiled at me and Gracie nudged me again. This time I smacked her. She glared at me and I stuck my tounge out at her. She's so immature sometimes.

"My names Jessica," she said heading to the boys room. Wait what? Where does she live? I was about to run and I noticed Gracie was too, but she opened the door right next to the boys. Hey, maybe I could like go against the wall and see what they talk about! Gracie must've thought the same thing because she was grinning.

"I'll go get the ice pack," Jessica said going to a kitchen. The place looked the same as the boys. There was expensive furniture, but there wasn't as much. It felt more like home. I don't know why, maybe because there were clothes or food thrown around. I noticed she had two bedrooms. Gracie went to sit on one of the couches. I sat next to her.

"I really don't have an ice I kinda well improvised," Jessica said passing me a ziplock bag with ice cubes.

"Really? I thought this was an ice pack," I told her. She let out a relieved sigh and I stared at her in confusion.

"Well, I'm training to be a model and well they had me move here. I use to come from Texas and well I thought maybe you were like posh yah know? Your both really pretty and I thought maybe you two were famous or something," Jessica explained. After she finished talking I started laughing.

"No, we are just normal girls," I told her. Her nervousness then relaxed.

"Well, at least I know some normal people here!," she said laughing also. I then put the ice pack on my head. The nauseating feeling went away but the headache was still there.

"Do you have anything to get rid of headaches?," I asked Jessica hoping she would say yes.

"No, I'm sorry if we need to I'll take you to the hospital," Jessica said with a worried expression. I shook my head wich caused me to wince in pain.

"I know someone who does," Gracie then said. I raised an eyebrow at her. She knew someone from this hotel? Someone from a fancy hotel?

"Who?," both I and Jessica asked her in unison. She looked at me if I was dumb.

"Enough with the stares!," I told her being creeped out.

"The boys jeez chelsey," She said rolling her eyes. I'm pretty sure that you could see the realization in my face. The boys! Of course they had to have some king of headache pills. They always have concerts and stuff so they must.

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