The Date

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Jessica's P.O.V

I woke up to two warm arms around me. I soon realized they were Harrys arms. The nerve of him to do that. Then I saw his face and my insides went all soft. He looked so peaceful, so innocent sleeping. His hair was curly as usual. How did I end up meeting one direction? I have to thank Gracie and chelsey later on.

"Hey, no don't leave," Harry mumbled tightening his grasp on my waist.

"I have a photoshoot today I need to leave and get ready," I told him. It was true, I had to be at a photoshoot at three.

"I knew you were a model," Harry said getting up from the blanket bed and letting go off me.

"You did?," I asked dumbfounded. I'm pretty sure I never told him anything to ever be classified as a model.

"Yeah, your beautiful, wouldn't surprise me if you were a model," He shrugged. I blushed making him smirk. He's so cheeky.

"Why, thank you hazza," I messed his curls up. He chuckled at the name I gave him. His smile made me go weak at the knees.

"Well, bye and tell them I'll be back after my photoshoot," I said pointing to the lifeless sleeping bodies.

"Sure thing love," He said walking into his bedroom. I rolled my eyes at him. He was to cheeky for my liking. I smoothed my shirt and headed out of their hotel. I went into my hotel room wich was just next to the flat wich is hilarious. I quickly went ti the restroom and took a quick shower.

"It's gotta be you," I hummed while drying my hair with a blow dryer. After about 20 minutes of styling it with who knows how many products I went and checked the time. It was two already. I rushed to my wardrobe and quickly put on some denim shorts with a jack wills shirt.

"Crap," I muttered as I checked the time on my phone. It was two thirty already. I rushed out of my hotel room and quickly waited for a taxi. I got in a taxi in no time and I told the taxi driver the address that my manager had given me.


Chelseys P.O.V

"Love, wake up, c'mon wake up it's one in the afternoon already," an Irish voice shook me. I grunted in annoyance but opened my eyes to see a dazzling face in front of me. His blue eyes sparkled in amusement.

"She woke up in the first try?,' Gracie said with her mouth forming an "O". I glared at her and Niall smiled at me.

"Don't like to be awoken do you?," Zayn asked me.

"No, I detest it," I smiled.

"You must be Zayns lost sister then wifey!," Louis yelled making me more awake than I wanted to be.

"SHUTUP Louis," both zayn and I said at the same time making everyone laugh. Gracie was wearing some boy clothes, Liam's I'm guessing, and the boys were all changed. They were sitting down in our blanket made bed while I was still laying down. Feeling stupid I got up from my lying position and sat.

"It Dosent look like she's hard to wake up," Niall said facing Gracie. Gracie just shook her head.

"No, it is I don't know if it's a lephrocaun thing but it takes a bucket of water to wake her up," Graie said. No it dd not! Okay, we'll maybe sometimes.

"I must be special then," Niall smiled cheekily at me.

"Yes,- I batted my eyelashes then added," Your special ED," I smirked. Everyone laughed at him and he glared at me.

"But, you really are," I whispered into his ear making him grin. Louis eyed us suspiciously.

"I don't even want to know what you whispered into his ear wifey," Louis joked.

"No, you wouldnt wanna know," Niall said seductively to Louis. I playfully punched his arm. Louis just looked at him with a shocked expression. Jeez, nice one Niall! Now he's going to think wrong!

"Where's Jessica?," I asked noticing she wasnt around.

"She left to a photoshoot she said she'll come back later on," Harry said all gloomy. Oh, I think hazza fancies someone.

"M'kay," I said.

"By the way,you need to get ready! Im taking you somewhere go get pretty," Niall said surprising me. Curiosity then filled me. I wonder where he will take me. What if he takes me to nandos? I've never been to nandos. Wait, what if we go to some fancy thing?

"Niall, what should I where?," I asked him. He gave me a warm smile and I couldn't help but melt in his blue eyes.

"Anything, your beautiful no matter what you wear, in fact wear my clothes, you look fit in them," He said flashing a grin. I couldn't help but blush and smile at his comment. Wait, what if there were paparazzi? No, I'll just dress casual.

"Niall, I have no clothes here umm we need to go to my house," I told him.

"Of course I would love to meet your parents," he beamed with his Irish accent. He looked so cute. Then I remembered about Gracie. My mom thought I was at Gracie's.

"Gracie I'm going home you wanna come err scratch that I need you to come," I asked her. She was talking with Liam. They were like having this intent conversation.

"Yeah, plus I need to change so we should go change at your house," she said. Liams eyes looked hmm sad? Gosh that was cute! He was all sad cause Gracie was leaving him. He's a keeper. She needs him in her life.

"Sure, but Uhh my mom will yell at you for wearing that," I pointed at her boxers-well Liams boxers- and boy shirt. She blushed and went to the restroom to change. She came out wearing what she had yesterday. Ugh I need to get out of these clothes. Not like that you perverts.

"Liam, you can come if you want," I offered him. His face lit up and he nodded.

"Let's go then!, I'll drive wich reminds me," I said turning to face Gracie.

"My keys," I said. Holding my hand out. The boys just looked confused.

"Bye wifey!,' Louis shouted to us. Now he speaks! The whole time he was just messing with Harry. Zayn was all into this book he was reading. What a change, zayns getting smart!

"See you guys later!," Harry yelled pushing Louis off the couch. A giggle escaped my lips as Louis fell on his bottom. He glared at Harry.

"SHUTUP, JOHN IS ABOUT TO CONFESS TO LILLIAN!," Zayn shouted at them with an angered expression. It caused me to giggle even more.

"You should giggle more, it suits you," Niall whispered his voice sending shivers down my back. Id think all the nervousness and butterflies would go away, but no. He still made me feel uneasy at my stomach. It never got old. Even as we walked to my car and our hands just brushed it sent millions of electricity bolts. A slight smile from him made me go weak at the knees. Ugh, how can a boy have such an impact on me?

"So, who's driving?," Liam asked. I raised an eyebrow. Hello? Of course I was driving! My car, my rules.

"I got the keys, I got the car," I stated getting in the drivers seat. Niall looked shocked and Liam just chuckled at me. Gracie gave me a glare for being rude.

"That was mean," Gracie scolded me sitting in the backseats with Liam.

"Yep, Liam she's your other half," I told him. He laughed while Gracie just blushed. Niall got in the passenger seat. I started driving to my house. All of us basically talked during the whole ride. I then arrived at my house driveway and I got real nervous. My mom was so weird when it came to boys. I also hoped none of my brothers were their.

"Chelsey, let's go," Niall said nudging me to get out. Everyone was outside already, I was the only stupid one inside. I got out and walked to my door. My moms car was parked and so was my brothers Rey. I took a deep breath in and Niall took my hand and gave it a squeeze giving me an encouraging look. With my hand interlocked in his I stepped inside my house.


HAHA CLIFFHANGER!!! so sorry but it will be worth it, also I'll upload later on tonight I feel bad for not uploading in idk how many days:(

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