Morning Disaster

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Chelsey's P.O.V

I woke up and felt a warm blanket over me. After I told him not too he still put it on me. I quickly got up and folded the blanket and marched into nialls room.

"When I told-,

I stopped what I was saying and threw the blanket ontop of him and Anne who were fast asleep and cuddling. Not that I cared, and I walked out. I went into the kitchen and saw Liam cooking eggs with ham. His eyes were red and puffy and there were dried tears on his cheek.

"Are You ok?," I asked him.

He looked up at me and smiled weakly. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said.

"I don't believe you," I said as I sat down in the kitchen table.

"Really, I'm fine," his voice cracked.

"Okay," I said not pushing him to tell me more.

"What smells so good?," a sleepy Harry asked.

"Im cooking eggs, you want some?," Liam asked us.

"Yes," Harry and I said in unison.

"Hey is there any whoop cream?," Harry then asked a grin shining on his face.

"Yes, why?," Liam questioned him.

"I have a brilliant idea, follow me," Harry said whilst taking the whooping cream with him. Liam and I exchanged confused looks but followed him anyways. He led us into Louis room and Harry laughed an evil laugh. Louis was sprawled on his bed fast asleep.

Harry then handed me his phone. I then catched on what he was doing. Slowly and carefully harry grabbed Louis hand and placed whoop cream on it. I sarted recording on his phone and Harry touched Louis face. Louis then smacked his face and we all started dying of laughter.

Gracie then came in the room glaring at all of us. Then Louis got up from his bed with an angry expression. I then ran to the living room catching everyone by surprise.

"I'm ninja!," I shouted at Louis and Gracie.

"Get your ass over here! You woke me up! You freakin woke me up!," she yelled at me.

"Never!," I stuck my tounge out on her. I hid behind the couch.

"Who's idea was this?," an angry Louis asked,

"Harry!," both Liam and I said in unison.

"Boobear? You did such a thing to me!," Louis shouted trying to sound hurt.

"Yes, and it was hilarious,"Harry shouted back. It then smelled of burnt.

"Liam, the eggs! The eggs!," I shouted to liam.

"Crap," he sad as he ran to the kitchen. I followed him and sure enough the once good looking eggs were burnt.

"What eggs?," Niall asked.

"Yeah what eggs?," Gracie asked.

"I was cooking eggs for everyone, but now they're burnt," Liam said.

"Oh," Gracie said.

"So what are we going to eat now?," I asked.

"Let's eat cereal!," Niall sugegested.

"Okay, uh we have these," Liam said bringing three cereal boxes and placing them on the table. Soon everyone had bowls and were serving themselves cereal. We were eating cereal when Zayn came in the kitchen. He got a bowl and served himself cereal and sat down in the table. I finished eating my cereal and I placed it into the kitchen sink. Louis who still had whoop cream on his face punched my arm playfully.

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