CHAPTER 07: I'm Sick, Literally [✔]

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         JINX. I don’t know if that’s the proper word to describe my day... Or my whole life, maybe. Today is supposed to be the day I’ve been waiting for. It’s Freeda’s birthday, and she wanted me to come. Mom already let me go, just because I lied. I told her that I need to go there for a school project. And maybe that was the reason why I’m on my bed right now, laying with an aching head.

         Karma strikes that fast and bad. Now I got to add another rule on my manual, and that is, “Never lie to your Mom.” After denying my bestfriend, lying to my Mom, and wanting to be popular instead of being a goodie-goodie student, I can now conclude that I’m a sick person. And yes, that statement is both metaphorical and literal. I’m sick, literally.

“Nat? Why aren’t you waking up? Are you going to school or what?” I heard my Mom shouted from the other side of the door.

“Mom... I’m not feeling well...” I tried to answer her.

“What? Would you let me in? I want to check on you...”

        I sighed. I grabbed my blanket to wrapped myself with it for I feel really cold. And also, it was for protection if ever I fainted or something as I stood up. Having a soft thing to crash onto is a must.

        I stood up, feeling dizzy at the moment. I tried to took a step forward but I failed. I sat on the floor frustrated. Why did I even locked my door? What if something really bad more than this happened to me? Then Mom wouldn’t be able to save me or anything.

“Nat?! What was that, dear? Are you alright? Open this door now.” She pounded on my door several times.

“I can’t, Mom. I’m sick.”

“Okay, okay. That’s it. I’m going to get the spare key on my bedroom. Just wait right there.”


          I curled up like a ball on the floor as a pang of pain strike on my head. I couldn’t even move just to get back in my bed. Until finally, after a minute or so, my Mom finally opened the door of my room. As it swings open, Mom came rushing towards me with a worried expression plastered on her face.

“Nat! What happened? Are you okay? What are you doing on the floor?” she asked, worried.

“I tried to open the door...”

“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. Come, I’ll bring you to the hospital.”

        That thought scared me to death. The ideas and images of seeing the doctor punched a needle into my veins frightened me the most. That’s why ever since I’m a kid, Aunt Jessica was the one who’s helping Mom every time that I am sick. It’s because she’s working on a pharmacy, and she knows some things Mom didn’t.

“No way, Mom... Please don’t bring me to the hospital.”

“Okay, okay. I know that. Let me help you up get back to your bed.”

        I nodded, and she assisted me to come back to my bed. I lay down, feeling sorry for myself.

“You’re burning up. You need to go to the hospital, Nat.”

“Mom, please... I don’t want to. I mean, it’s better if I stay in here... I’ll die early if you bring me to that place.”

          She sighed, before reaching out for my head. She feel the warmth of my body through there, before removing it as she felt that it was too hot and it wasn’t normal anymore.

“Okay. But at least let me call your Aunt Jessica.”

         I thought about that for a second, and then wondered, will Nathan be worried for me or not? Maybe not, because of the fact that he still mad at me. And I don’t want him to think that I’m only doing this so that he will talk to me again.

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