CHAPTER 15: Our Squad [✔]

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            NATHAN said that he wouldn’t be friends with Becca and Scott, but I highly doubt about that right now. It’s been months since we started our little squad... And it’s going really well. The four of us are becoming closer and closer to each other, including Nathan. Well, it was written in the rule number eight of my manual that I should never listen to Nathan’s nonsense statements. I’m glad I followed that.

“Can we just go out or something? It’s getting boring in here!” Becca complained.

           It’s weekend, and we are currently at Nathan’s room, letting the time passed by while doing apparently nothing. Scott and my bestfriend are playing a video game, while Becca and I are reading some magazines.

“You know what, guys, Becca is right. We should get out...” I complained.

           Nathan and Scott didn’t say anything. In fact, the two of them are completely ignoring us. I wanted to slap onto Nathan’s face his own words when he first met Scott. Because now, they are looking like they are a long time bestfriends who often ignore us... Or the girl’s drama, as they call it.

“What’s the point of hanging out together if the two of you are always facing the computer!” Becca stated, annoyed.

          When they still didn’t answer, I nudged Becca while flashing a devilish grin on my face. I heard her chuckled, thinking the same thing as me. I stood up, ready to execute the plan.

“Her comes the bomb!” I announced, before pulling the plug of the computer out of the socket.

           The computer shut down, and their game stops. Nathan and Scott groaned in unison, while Becca and I started to laugh maniacally.

“Oh, come on! We almost won the game!” Scott complained.

“Yeah, we are winning! If it wasn't for you...” Nathan glared at me.

“Sorry, I didn’t know,” I said, trying to act innocent.

“Now it’s your turn to complain, I guess.” Becca stated, before giving me a high five.

“The two of you are devils...”

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Nerdy Nathan. Let’s just go somewhere else...”

“Yeah. I’m tired of seeing the two of you enjoying while Becca and I are sitting here like an idiot.”

          The two of them just sighed. They never win against us in every argument. After debating for some more minutes, Nathan and Scott finally decided to agree and go out with us.

“So, where do you want us to go?” they asked.

          Becca and I looked at each other, maybe thinking about the same thing. After a few seconds, we faced them, and then frowned.


“Amusement park!” we shouted.

           They rolled their eyes before they started to prepare themselves. Finally, after a long time, we could finally visit a real place to enjoy and unwind.

             We walked outside of the house wearing our normal clothes. We decided to let Scott drive the car because he’s the only one who could do it. So I guess we were left with no choice. I hope we wouldn’t regret this in the end.

“Ready?” Scott asked before he started the engine.

         Becca and I looked nervously at each other, before Scott started to drove away. Well, it wasn’t so bad after all. For we arrived at our destination still in one piece.

Natalia's High School Manual [COMPLETED ✔]Where stories live. Discover now