CHAPTER 19: Beach Body [✔]

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         SUMMER. Now that our freshmen year is finally over, Nathan and I decided that we could finally enjoy our vacation just like any other students. I guess it’s just me and Nathan, for Becca and Scott have gone away to their own summer vacation trip.

          I can’t help but to think about what Scott told me about the last day of our school festival. He likes Becca, and he wanted me to help him get her. On the other hand, Becca likes my bestfriend, and she already asked my help for it too. I don’t know how to help two people with different desires. I guess it’s my problem though, not knowing who’s the one I’m going to help between the both of them.

        Speaking of school festival, it ended up with a blast for Becca because our plan succeeded, without Nathan even noticing it. I feel guilty and heartbroken for Scott, for I helped Becca get close to Nathan without thinking what he would feel about that. Though I often told myself that it is not my fault for I didn’t know about his feelings and I cannot control people’s thoughts.

“Hey, Nat. What are you thinking? Come on, it’s summer. You don’t have to worry about anything. We don’t have to worry about homeworks and stuffs.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know that, Nat. I’m just... You know, I can’t help but to think about Becca and Scott,” I answered, half lie, half truth.

        Lie because I’m not just thinking about their summer vacation, I’m also thinking about how am I gonna help the both of them for the favors they’re asking me to do if it’s against the will of each other? And half truth because the two of them is what really occupying my mind right now.

“The two of them must be having a very special summer right now.”

“And how can you say that? Becca is with Lia and Liam right now... Probably all of her cousins with a not so pleasing personality.”

“Her parents are there. Do you think they’re just gonna let her cousins bully their daughter? That’s absurd, right?” Nathan assured me.

         Perhaps he’s right. And besides, Nathan’s got a point. Becca’s parents wouldn’t let their daughter be bullied by her cousin. And it’s a family matter so I’ve got no rights to meddle in their lives. That was written on the rule number # of my manual.

“How about Scott?” I asked, not wanting to end this conversation yet, hoping that Nathan will figure things out so that he would help me.

“He’s staying with their family too. You know, with Tyler the bad boy.”

         Thankfully, Scott wasn’t that talkative so Nathan haven’t found out about how we met when Tyler hit me with a basketball on my face. Though I highly doubt that Nathan is still clueless about that. We’ve been friends for months so it’s not impossible for Scott to tell to my bestfriend the story of how we met. That disastrous day.

“In where?”

“I don’t know. But it’s somewhere with a beach too. I saw it on his Instagram post.”

“Oh. Tyler wasn’t there on that photo. I’ve seen it too.”

“Wow. So you’re a social media addict now?”

“No, I’m not. It suddenly appeared on my feed so I have no choice but to look at it.”

“Well then you don’t have to be worried about Scott for Tyler isn’t even in the same place as him.”

          I looked away, thinking about what I’ve heard before about Tyler and his Dad. Maybe he’s not there with his family because of one main reason... He doesn’t like his Dad, and it’s a fact.

“Are you ready, kids?” Aunt Jessica asked us, while packing their things for our one week trip to the nearest tourist attraction in our town... The beach.

“Yup...” Nathan answered.

“Too bad Natalia’s Mom wouldn’t be coming with us... I don’t have someone to talk to later on,” Aunt Jessica complained.

         In a few hours, we are going to checked in one of the most famous resorts nearby. Mom couldn’t come with us for she have something to finish... Work, I guess. Since we are broke, she is working very hard to provide my miscellaneous and to sustain the needs of our house. Gladly, she let me come with Nathan and Aunt Jessica to enjoy this vacation as well.

“Don’t worry, Aunt Jessica. Mom will surely call us in there... And thank you for including me here,” I smiled at her before she kissed my forehead.

“Of course! Nathan is nagging me to stole you from your Mom for this one week getaway.”

         Nathan widen his eyes towards his Mom and Aunt Jessica just laughed at him. I poked his belly, and he glared at me.

“If you wanted me to come with you, you can always call me, Nat. You don’t need to be shy,” I teased him.

         Aunt Jessica just laughed even more before closing the garage of their car. She then clap her hands in the air, indicating that it is time for us to go now.

“Let’s go, kids! The long wait is over! It’s summer!” she shouted, and Nathan and I both cheered.

        We hopped in the car for long hours of trip towards that beach. Aunt Jessica is the one driving, while Nathan and I are both sitting in the backseat.

          Suddenly, I felt Nathan rest his head on my shoulder, making me stiffened for apparently no reason. We often do this kind of thing in every trip that we’ve been together, but now it feels different. I felt awkward and... Conscious, I guess. Though Nathan look like it’s just a normal thing to do and he’s enjoying the trip too. I took a deep breath, trying to stop myself from thinking anymore weird stuffs.

“Nat?” Nathan asked out of nowhere.


“We are already sophomores... Maybe... Can I...”

“What?” I looked deep into his eyes and that was probably a wrong move for I drowned in his intense stares.

“Nothing...” he avoided my gaze before sitting up straight.

          For the rest of the trip, we’ve been quiet because of that awkward conversation. I often caught Aunt Jessica glancing at us at the front mirror, maybe wondering why are we letting the silence reign in that moment.

          When we arrived, the people are all over the place. Some are getting their skin tanned, while others are sitting on their towels near where the beach waves are.

“Whoah...” I exclaimed out of amusement.

“It’s pretty good in here,” Aunt Jessica stated.

         Nathan nodded, before he slowly put his arms around my shoulder. I pretended not to notice it, but honestly, I’m starting to feel the tingling sensation brought by his hands to my body. I wasn’t like this before... If adolescence brought this weird feelings into my system, then I would like to wish to stay as an innocent child forever.

“Come, let’s show to these people our beach body...” Nathan stated, chuckling.

          I laughed, trying to act naturally. I looked up to him in confusion, badly wanted to know what does he mean by that.

“Beach body?” I asked curiously.

“Yeah, you know. I’ve worked so hard to show my body off this summer. I’m not that skinny boy anymore.”

         I wanted to laughed at his statement, but I chose to suppress it instead. So he really wasted a lot of time just to make people impressed by his body and looks this summer? What a guy.

“Just watch out for later, Nat.”

           He patted my head before leaving me alone. He carried my luggages towards the room area, and I just chase him while shrugging my shoulders. Let’s see your beach body then, Nerdy Nathan.

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