CHAPTER 42: Officially Dating [✔]

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WRONG. Because I didn't do it only for a day. Ever since that moment, Tyler often asked for my help, to the point that he even took me to his home to have our tutoring sessions together. I didn't tell Nathan about it, since I knew that he wouldn't allow me to go. And also, I trust Tyler enough that he wouldn't do anything bad towards me.

"Here... Maybe we can do it here. Forgive me for my rubbish home," he stayed, before clearing the table from the bottles of bear spread across of it.

"It's alright... Can I suggest something? Maybe you could use a little bit lights to make your home brighter. I mean, this apartment is not that bad."

"No. If I were you, I wouldn't touch anything. My father would be mad as fuck. Sorry for the word."

"Oh... But why? I mean... Is there something wrong with him?"

"Do you remember the time that you called me out because I broke your nerd best friend's leg?"

"I do. Sorry about that. I didn't know that you would be hurt because of it," I answered, before looking down on the floor. But he immediately lifted my chin up, turning my gaze upon him.

"It's not your fault. And maybe you are right. I was too busy seeking for attention at school because of my messy family background. My mother left us behind and my Dad... He is now being too drunk all the time. I just wish that I can turn back the time and be happy with them once again."

"Sorry about that..."

"Stop apologizing," he stated, before he chuckled.

Only now that I reign how close our face is towards each other. He leans in, our lips almost touching as the tip of our nose did. He was about to kiss me when all of the sudden, a loud, banging noise made us turned to look upon the door of his apartment.

"That is probably my Dad. Come now, I'll take you home. Let us use the backdoor instead."

I nodded, before he took my hand and led me outside. I was blushing, feeling the warmth of his palms upon mine. I couldn't forget that day... The day when I felt thousands of butterflies fluttering inside for my stomach. I haven't even felt any awkwardness between us after that, as if it all comes so natural. Until a few days passes by. We are now inside of our usual place to do our tutoring sessions... In the library. I am trying to solve a problem when all of the sudden, Tyler did something to get my attention.

"Nat?" Tyler called my name. I looked up, seeing his serious face.

"Yeah?" I asked him, trailing off by that question.

"I just wanted to ask you something..."

I raised one of my brows as if asking him a question. Confusion is all over my head, thinking what could possibly be the reason that he's acting like this now.

"What is it?" I asked him again.

"Would you go out with me?"

I felt nervous, looking straight at his intense stare upon me. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. I've gone stoic, unable to move from the current position on my seat.

"Are you dead serious right now?" I asked him.

"Yeah... Why not?" he asked back, still staring into my eyes.

I looked away, not wanting to accept the fact that he just asked me to go out with him. I mean, what's wrong with him? From being broken hearted because of Freeda, now he likes someone who's in the lower level of his previous relationship? A normie like me? Students of Jackson High will surely protest right after knowing that our bad boy wants someone like me.

"Honestly, I don't get your point, Tyler." I pretended to be dumb, or unable to understand his recent statement. Acting innocent is an effective way, I guess. I therefore conclude that it's a must thing to do.

"Fine, I'm going to make things clear just for you. I said, let us have a date together, Natalia Carter. You, and me, on a date."

"Like... A real date?"

"Yes... A real one, not a friendly date or anything else," he clarified, making my eyes widened in surprise.

"Why do you look so surprised, Nat? Is this the first time that someone confessed to you?" He chuckled.

"But... Tyler... I thought we are friends..." I trailed off, still unsure about this.

"We are, but not anymore. I wanted to date you, Natalia. I wanted you to be my girlfriend. Don't tell me that you are turning me down?" he asked frowning.

"Of course not! I mean... I... I like you too," I answered, blushing.

I know that I do. Ever since the beginning, I always knew that there must be something special inside of my heart for Tyler, and now that he is officially asking me out, who am I to turn it down, right?

"Really?! Then thank you, Carter! Thank you so much!" he answered like a little boy, before giving me a tight embrace.

I just chuckled to myself, thinking that for the very first time, love can finally enters my heart. But it wasn't that easy at all. A few days after our first date, rumors began to spread widely across Jackson High, about my relationship status with Tyler. Some of them even asked me straight to my face, if we are now officially dating or what. Although I can't answer them directly, because even I, myself, don't know what to say.

"Nat," a familiar voice called me while I was walking down the hallway of our school. When I turned around to face it, it was no other than my bestfriend, Nathan.

"Nat. What is it?" I asked, finally facing him.

"Can we talk?" he asked me, voice sounding so harsh.

"Uhm, yeah. Sure, Nat," I answered, although half hesitating because of the tone of his voice.

"I just wanted to ask you something."

"About what, Nat?"

"It's about you and Tyler. It is true? The rumors about the dating thing? That wasn't true, right? Tell me they are kidding, Nat," he stated, voice sounding hopeful and furious at the same time.

"Uhm... Actually, yeah. It's indeed true, and I think it's official. Tyler and I... We are dating, Nat. W-Why?" I asked him.

"Are you serious, right now?! Come on, Nat. Please tell me that you're only messing around."

"Nope, Nat. It's true. I mean, last week, Tyler asked me out on a date while I'm currently tutoring him in the library..."

"And what? You said yes?"

"Yeah. What's wrong about that, Nathan?" I can't help but to call him with his real name.

"That is crazy! Come on, Nat, wake up. Why? I mean, why him? There is much more better guys than him out there. Someone that really deserves you... Just please, Nat. Come back to your senses right now before it's too late," he warned me, as if this is the biggest mistake that I did.

"What are you talking about, Nathan? I honestly couldn't get your point here. Tyler is a good guy, not what everyone thinks he is..."

"Break up with him, Natalia."

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