CHAPTER 46: Season Four [✔]

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SENIORS. Our last year in high school. Everything definitely went into a flash. I never thought that I will nearly survive the most difficult, yet most memorable part of my life. It's just Scott and me now, though I could still never forget the way how Nathan treated me as his bestfriend before.

It's been a year since he left, yet here I am, still hoping that he will come back for me to be able to apologize for everything... Including when I chose not to listen to him before. I continued sending him mails, and that makes rule number twenty-eight of my manual, which is, "Never give up."

Since it was already our last year in high school, Scott and I decided not to run for the school council officials anymore. We just wanted to enjoy life, the way it is and our last year being in Jackson High. Just like last year, I decided to meet up with Scott first before looking for our class schedules. Fortunately, I saw standing nearby the gate, as if waiting for me.

"Scott," I greeted him, before waving my hands upon his direction.

"Hey, Nat. Come, let's get inside," he started off.

"Sure but where to? Are we going to get our schedules now?"

"Not yet. I feel like I wanted to have some light breakfast first," he stated, before walking with me.

"Breakfast? Why didn't you eat in your house?" I asked him.

"Well, Tyler... I know you are probably not interested in this but..." he trailed off, hesitating to tell me a story.

"It's alright. I mean, you can tell me about it."

"His father... My parents are helping them financially to get the documents they needed in order to migrate in Australia. His Dad got mad because he wanted to stay here, but since it was finally decided, I guess that they will proceed doing it. He got mad, and went to our home earlier."

"I guess I'm just wishing him luck," I muttered under my breath, before Scott tapped me in the shoulders in a friendly way.

"Are you still mad at him?"

"It's not like my anger can avenge me or something. But I feel hurt, Scott. I really thought that way that maybe, just maybe, someone finally loved me for who I am. For being like this... And average looking student."

"Cheer up, Nat. Come on, I'll treat you some breakfast, alright?"

I nodded, before the two of us continued walking towards the Cafeteria. When we reached the place, I saw someone familiar... Someone who looks different... And I know who it was. I cannot be mistaken. We've been friends since we were babies so I cannot forget the way he acted every single time. Maybe it was just a little bit different now that he's been gone for a long time... And his aura... It's nothing like before.

"Wait... Is that... Nathan?!" Scott shouted out loud, making him turn around to face out direction.

After months and months of waiting, I finally saw his face once again. His eyes... The way he looks... Everything about him has completely changed. He's not the same Nathan that I used to know before. He was completely different now. He possessed this cold aura that is scaring me nor even preventing me to look at him straight in his glaring eyes...

I wanted to hug him, but I couldn't do it anymore for I'm already stunned by the fact of how I treated him before. I didn't listen to him. I didn't look to the other side of things. Instead, I let myself fall into the deep and dangerous trap of someone who didn't even love me before... Someone who just used me for his own good. Even worst, I chose Tyler over my long time bestfriend who never wish anything but the best for me.

"Nathan?! God! It's really you!" Scott exclaimed, before running towards his direction and pulling him in for a tight hug.

Surprisingly, he returned the favor and he even gave Scott a real smile as they pulled away from each other, one thing that I know I could never have again right after what I did to him before.

"Scott... I missed you, my man."

"Dude! You changed a lot! You look hot!" Scott complimented him that made him chuckled. "That's Nat over there!" he pointed at my direction, but Nathan just give me a boring look.

They are about to come over when all of the sudden, the bell rings, indicating that it is now time for us to go to our perspective classroom. I ran away, not wanting to see him again. During the whole class, my mind is fully occupied by the fact that he is now back, and I can't concentrate in the lecture. I even had a few times of coming out of our room to use the comfort room, the place where once again, I heard Freeda and her squad having a short conversation about someone.

"Did you see him? The nerd best friend of Natalia? He's back, and in fairness, he looks hot and mysterious now... I can't believe that he could be that handsome, you know," Lia started off.

"Yeah, like you know, it seems like he doesn't want Natalia to be like, a part of his life," Elyzz added.

"I know. Because who would want such a girl, right? Now if I can't have Tyler, then I swear that I'm going to make that nerd fall in love with me," Freeda stated, making me gasped in shock before I covered my mouth.

"Who's that? Did you hear it?"

"Come on, Lia. Don't be such a weird person like your cousin, Becca. It's nothing."

I heard them stomped away from the comfort room, but the thought of having Nathan fall in love with Freed is what bothers me the most. Even after our classes, I can't just can't help but to think about it, until I decided to get out of our classroom, before my eyes widened in surprised seeing Scott, with Nathan, standing in front of the door.

"Finally, you're done. Come on, let's have a lunch together, shall we?" Scott asked me, before putting both of his arms around Nathan's shoulders and mine as well.

He dragged the two of us in the Cafeteria, before we ordered our food. Once it finally arrived, we were about to start but Lia came over towards our direction, holding a piece of paper and a pen in her hands.

"Hi, Nathan! Can I get your number? Freeda wants to know your answer now," she stated, making Scott shook his head in disapproval.

Nathan looked upon my direction, before smirking for apparently no reason at all.

"Sure," he answered, before writing down his number.

"Great!" Lia exclaimed before Nathan looked upon Freeda's direction. The latter one waved her fingers upon him, before he winked. I feel bad, knowing that he is not my friend anymore. I wonder if he received those emails that I've sent him before.

"So, shall we start? How have you been, Nathan?" Scott asked him.

"Well, I'm fine. I mean, I'm happy that I learned to be alone even just for a short time. I mean, my grandma died and so my mother and I need to fly and went there, in my Dad's place. I'm glad that because of it, the two of them get back together again."

"Really? Well that is such a great news!" Scott exclaimed, delighted.

"I know. How about you? How have you been, Scott?"

"I'm fine. Nothing changed. Although I took over your job and became the school council president the moment you left. But everything went fine, actually. Won't you ask Natalia about herself?" Scott tried to initiate, but Nathan just ignored him.

"It doesn't matter to know about her, Scott," he blankly stated, making me feel like someone punched me in the chest.

That moment, I instantly knew that everything won't be that easy at all. I have to endure this kind of pain, because after all, we can't just restore a broken friendship that I caused in the very first place.

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