CHAPTER 11: New Beginnings [✔]

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         PANIC rushed through me instantly when I saw Aunt Jessica’s reddish eyebags. Looks like she’s been crying all night long. I wanted to know why, but I decided to just shut my mouth up for my curiosity could bring me to another trap. I learned that from the rule number seventeen of my manual.

“Nathan is in his room, Natalia. Just knock before you enter. You know how grumpy he could gets.” She faked a laughter, but I didn’t buy it. I just thrifty smiled at her instead.

         As I made my way upstairs towards Nathan’s room, I saw their family picture on the floor with a broken glass frame. I instantly picked it up, before I decided to hang it again by the wall.

        When I reached the front door of Nathan’s room, I knocked several times, hoping he would answer. But he didn’t. So I decided to ignored Aunt Jessica’s advice and opened the door without anymore words. I barged in, and thankfully, Nathan isn’t naked or something. He was just laying down on his bed, staring blankly at his ceiling.

“Hey, Nat... I’m here. What happened? I mean, you missed some quizzes in school and...” I trailed off when he didn’t bother to answer me.

“Hey!” I shouted.

       Finally, he averted his eyes towards my direction. He looked so terrible, just like Aunt Jessica. Their eyes were both red and swollen.

“What happened to you?” I asked, worried as I started to walk towards his direction. I am now closer to him.

“Nat...” He took a deep breath, before closing his eyes shut.

“Are you okay? I mean... If you’re not, then I’m just gonna come back maybe next day...” When he didn’t answer, I sighed out of frustration. “Fine, then.”

         I was about to leave when he pulled my hands causing me to loose my balance and I landed right at the top of him. He hugged me tightly, and I feel stiffened. I was stunned, being at this position with him.

“Hey... Nat, what’s wrong?” I asked worriedly as I heard him sobbed.

        Before he could say a word, I looked up to him only to be bombarded by his crying face. I wanted to to asked him again but I know he needs someone who will stay with him and not someone who will asked him an endless series of questions.

        I just decided to let him do whatever it is that he wanted. I pressed my ears onto his chest, hoping to hear the beating of his heart. I listened to it for a moment, waiting for him to opened up and say something without me asking him. I guess that was my job. I’m his bestfriend by the way.

“Mom and Dad got divorced...”

“What?!” I looked up to him in surprise.

         He help me sat up, and he did the same while wiping his tears away.  He took another deep breath, before looking at my surprised reaction.

“I already told you before, didn’t I? Mom and Dad would probably break up any time soon and the other day, it finally happened. They already signed the divorced paper.”

“Is that the reason why you aren’t going to school?” I asked.

         He nodded, and I felt bad asking him that question. Guilty as well, for I became so selfish for these past few days, hoping Nathan will come to school for me not be alone anymore. I didn’t thought about how he’s doing or what he’s currently feeling right now.

“I’m very sorry to hear about that, Nat...” I stated, patting his back sympathetically.

“That’s alright. It’s just that... It’s so hard to move on, I thought I was ready to face this reality where my family will be officially broken... But I was wrong. I’m still unprepared, Nat. I’m not yet ready to accept this fact.”

Natalia's High School Manual [COMPLETED ✔]Where stories live. Discover now