CHAPTER 23: The Rehearsals [✔]

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          AFTER classes, our advisers told us to go to the theatre room, where all the members of the drama club will have a meeting, a special meeting, they said. So Nathan and I got there, without saying any word to each other.

“Nat...” He poked my cheeks, but I ignored him. “Hey...” From the corners of my eyes, I saw him pouting his lips, trying to look cute. “If I did something bad and I’m being insensitive about it, then tell me, Nat. I’m willing to apologized... Even better, I’ll apologized right now even if I don’t know what I did...”

         I faced him, but this time, he’s trying to poke my cheeks again and it accidentally hit the corners of my eyes, causing me to wince in pain. Thankfully, I already closed it even before his fingers touch my eyeball.

“Ouch...” I complained.

“Sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do that!” Nathan stated, panicking as he realized what happened. “Are you okay? Do you want me to bring you to an ophthalmologist?”

“I-I... I’m f-fine...”

“Hey... Let me take a look.”

         He cupped my face before looking at my eyes. I opened it, finally able to see clearly after I blinked several times.

“I’m sorry, Nat. I feel really bad about this... I didn’t mean to hurt you...”

         I could see the guilt in his eyes even I know that he didn’t do it in purpose. It was an accident, so I shouldn’t blame him or anyone else for it cannot be avoided.

“It’s fine, Nathan. You don’t have to be nervous,” I stated, assuring him.

“But it’s in your eye! I mean... I couldn’t forgive myself if ever you got blind or something...” he said, not bothering to remove his hands on my face. “I’m really sorry...” He looked down.

        I lifted up his chin, before flashing a sweet smile as a way of telling him that it’s just all right and he haven’t done anything wrong. In fact, I’m fine now. And even if I’m not, I’m still not going to blame him for this.

“I’m fine,” I said, smiling.

            He blinked several times, before leaning in... I felt surprised when he kissed the corner of my left eye. I was so stunned, stiffened because of his recent actions. Suddenly, butterflies started to flutter inside if my stomach. I feel like I’m going to throw up, though it wasn’t a bad thing.

          I remember the first time when Nathan and I accidentally kissed... It was on the dance rehearsal, and we didn’t talk about that thing after that day ever again. I guess it’s because of Becca’s favor that I chose to forgot about that memory of us.

“Are you okay now?” he asked.

         I nodded, before looking away. This is wrong. He’s my friend, an he already got a someone special. If ever I confirmed what I’m feeling right now, then I should just keep it to myself. It was written on the rule number twenty of my manual to never confess my feelings to anyone, and I wasn’t planning on breaking that rule of mine. I mean, it could cause an awkward situation and worst of all... It could ruin our friendship itself.

“Hey, Nathan!” It was Becca who just came in to the scene.

          Now it’s becoming clearer to me who’s the one I supposed to be helping between Scott and Becca. That someone who really deserves my help... And I believe that it’s Scott. Not because of this weird feelings of mine, but because Scott really likes Becca and besides, I also don’t
want to hurt her feelings if ever she finds out about Nathan having another special someone.

“Becca, you’re here,” Nathan blankly stated.

         She sat down beside him, and I moved away for them to have some space. I could see how Nathan is trying to avoid showing anything towards Becca that may lead her into thinking that Nathan likes her back just like want she always wanted.

“I told you I signed up, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, yeah. I know.”

          Becca was about to say something when the club adviser suddenly cleared her throat, making us silent as we diverted our attention towards her.

“Okay, everyone, good afternoon. I’m your drama club adviser and I’m here to welcome the new and previous part of this club.”

        We clapped our hands in unison to welcome ourselves, as well as to started talking to the pioneers of this club. It’s pretty interesting in here, I guess. It was nothing as I was expecting before. This club was full of adorable looking faces, ready to act any time you told them to do so.

“Actually, I’m tired of hearing that our club is the worst club of all here in Jackson High. So this year, I wanted to proved all of them wrong. We are going to have the biggest play of all time... And this club wouldn’t be just a normal club. This year, we are going to be the best!” she encouraged.

“We are going to be the best!” the pioneers shouted, determined to proved themselves.

           I hope we wouldn’t regret joining in, for at the very first day of the meeting, the club started to rehearse about the upcoming play. Seems like they are really going to prove themselves to the crowd of students and school stuffs, and that includes us.

“Natalia Carter and Nathan Brooke will play as the king and queen or the mother and father of the princess,” our adviser announced, making me come back to my senses.

          The next thing I knew, the club members are already clapping their hands, for Nathan and I got one of the most important roles in this upcoming play. I saw Becca frowned, and I felt guilty for a moment. Though I think sacrificing once is already more than enough for that favor she’s asking me to do before. Besides, Nathan and I finally decided to help Scott instead of her.

“Could you believe it? We got some main roles in the house!” Nathan exclaimed, undeniably excited after knowing the news.

         I just smiled timidly to him before our adviser decided to start the rehearsals. Becca got a minor role, a servant to the castle. I was wondering if she’s not getting tired or if she doesn’t get dizzy by rolling her eyes on me over and over again. I mean, I wanted to ask her why? What happened? We were once a close friends before and we are even in the same squad... But I guess everything change for a reason.

“You’ll do a stage kissing, so be prepared, Ms. Carter and Mr. Brooke,” our adviser suddenly stated.

“What?!” I exclaimed.

         Becca glared at me, and I was left with no choice but to avoid her eyes for I don’t have anything left for me to face her. I mean, by now, maybe she’s thinking that I’m doing this on purpose to mock her or something. But I wasn’t. It was our adviser.

“Nathan is gonna cup your face and put his thumb on your lips, before pressing his onto his own thumb. Get it?”

          Nathan nodded, and I was left dumbfounded thinking about that stage kiss thing.

“Try it now.”

           My eyes widen as Nathan suddenly cupped my face, before smiling sweetly at me. He chuckled as he saw my reaction, before I felt his thumb covering my lips. He then moves closer, leaning in to kiss his thumbnails. I felt numb, just being this close to him. I decided to just closed my eyes, relaxing a bit to remove the tension from my body.

“Very good! Perfect! You two are really an artist. I mean, someone could get you in their films. You acted so natural. It was better than I expected.”

         Nathan thanked her, before winking at me. I sighed, watching Nathan reading his script. Well I guess this rehearsal wasn’t so bad after all.

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