CHAPTER 29: Nathan's Confession [✔]

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“WHAT do you mean?” he asked, confused.

“Scott... I did this. I helped Becca get that role by quitting in the drama club... Even if I already promised you that Nathan and I will going to help you instead of Becca...” I trailed off.

“What?!” he shouted, sounding furious as ever. “Now you just gave me enough reason never to trust anyone except myself.”

          He shook his head in disapproval, before walking away. As soon as he vanished into my sight, I cried. I cried a lot. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have let Becca got that chance to be with Nathan. Now our squad and friendship were completely wrecked.

          I sat down at the corner, hugging my knees as I cried out loud. I don’t know what to do, and just thinking about being left out and alone again makes me really scared to the point that I don’t know if I could still face the world as same as before if ever that I loose everyone of my friends.

“Hey, Ms. Carter.”

            I looked up to the owner of that arrogant voice, only to see Tyler staring down at me. I instantly wiped my tears away, not wanting him to see this vulnerable side of me.

“Are you okay?” he asked, maybe worried but I highly doubt that. “Hey... Why aren’t you answering me?” he asked again.

         I hid my face using my hands, hoping that he’ll just go away and start minding his own business. But he didn’t. He just keep on asking me if I’m alright and when I didn’t answer again, he kneel down right in front of me, before removing my hands on my face.

“Stop! What are you doing? Just go away, Tyler...” My voice cracked up.

“I knew it. You’re indeed crying. But why? You already punched an asshole in the face and now you’re crying over something?”

“Why do you even care?!” I shouted right in front if his face, hopeful to the fact that maybe he’ll get annoyed and start walking away again just like what he did the last time that we had a confrontation.

“Is that a habit of yours? Pushing people away and feeling sorry for yourself all the time?”

          I avoided his eyes, thinking that maybe he’s indeed right. I always caused chaos to the people I value the most and then I’ll start blaming myself for it. I felt stiffened, as he lifted my chin up just to make me look straight in his eyes.

“I’m not that rude, Natalia Carter. I know when and how to stop every time that I need to. And this... This moment is definitely one of those times...”

           I looked at him in awe, still couldn’t believe at the fact that he’s talking to me like this. He then took something out of his pocket, and it’s not that long before I realized what is it. It’s a handkerchief. He reached out for my face, and I felt nervous. But I’m wrong. Maybe I judged him too early before. Because he only wiped my tears away using his handkerchief before drying my cheeks.

“There you go... Bye, Ms. Carter.”

            After he did that, he stood up, before he started to walked away from my direction while carrying his handkerchief... Wet from my tears. I blinked several times, trying to process in my mind what just happened a few minutes ago. But then, after a moment, I just found myself smiling for apparently no reason. Maybe because I just realized that maybe not all bad boys are bad... Because today, I saw something good in Tyler.

           So that is how that week ended. I went home, locking myself up in my room before I started doing some things... Things that could drifted my attention from thinking about my life in Jackson High. Maybe on Monday, everything is going to be just fine again.

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